>wake up
>Turkey and Iran are united ass one country
What would you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
separate from iran
Why? Would not you be superpower together? Two most developed islamic countries.
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genocide kurds and armenians
shia supremacy tbqh
Shias are not muslim
Based and redpilled
visit Iran
hope millions of iranians immigrate to western turkey creating tensions between them and the secular turkish elite and see how that pans out
also, see arabs chimp out
iran is not developed, and not our ally.
Is there a single country that wouldn't be butthurt about Turkran?
any country that is not Saudi Arabia
Not gonna happen. Azeris will flood Iran and destroy the weakling subhuman Persians and rid the Aryan menace once and for all
iran is pretty much on the same level of development as turkey, in fact, it has a higher hdi than turkey (very surprising desu)
why hasn't that happened then. most of them already live inside iran and the supreme leader is azeri
add europe and usa to butthurt list
Azeris are just Caucasus Iranians though
They speak Turkish though
No they are not. Many of them were Turkmen invited to live in Tabriz after they rebelled against the ottomans for trying to suppress their nomadic culture.
The ones in modern Azerbaijan have dagestani and tat admixture from assimilation.
our HDI is low because we are not cucks and we don't stand for k*Rdshit terrorists in the lower right half of our country.
We are more developed than the entirety of Eastern Europe, slightly less than Germany and Western Europe.
Diaspora traitor you have no claim to the country. You betrayed your homeland for the wh*te country
will this country be shia or sunni? Or some weird mix of both?
They already do though
Alevi's are a syncretic mix of sunni and shia iirc
uh huh yeah sure I did mhmmm keep talking amerimutt
I am not a German Turk, I am Turkish, German Turks are like 4th generation, I am 1st generation (if that since all my summers from childhood and even some winters were spent in Turkey).
I am a red-blooded Turkish man and I am nothing but. Keep talking chicano you make me wheeze.
Get breakfast
It would be promising if it were to be ruled by persian elite
You are a seething sandnigger that lives in Germanic Europe because of the fact that his MENA shithole has basically a lower HDI than even fucking Moldova
Gas the t*rkroaches
But they aren't majority faith.
>We are more developed than the entirety of Eastern Europe
By no marker. Plus you're about to flop thanks to all of your fake growth.
>slightly less than Germany
>flood into Germany as if you're pursued by hell itself
kurds go to europe for that reason.
My dad earns 150k a year, however I don't live with him.
But we moved here because my parents liked English movies.
Keep trying wh*Toid :)
I think we can live together, culturally Iran and Turkey have many common traditions. They are just more conservative, also Turkey already have shia minority.
And I just admit that Iran one of the rare sane neighbours to us. Just look at balkans hate turks, on the north Ukraine war with Russia, on east we have problem with Armania and south Iraq, Syria at civil war.
Can never really understood why some Turks in 4channel hate Iranians just because they are shiites
Get popcorn and watch them tear each other (and kurds) apart
Götünüde ver
imagine actually believing this lol
nice gay flag in the backround and pierced ear
this is my girlfriends room but I'm sure the amerimutt has no concept of having sex with a woman :)
you simply fuck mongrels like yourself
conquer azerbaechan
if we are gonna meme god damnit we are gonna meme to its full degree
nothing can keep me away from my azeri qts
it's true
why are you butthurt desu
(very suprising desu)
its called oil money
>Conquer all surrounding countries to Armenia.
>Leave Armenia to be independent, just to force them into being a bigger isolationist poor shithole than it already is.
Become angrier. Islam is not compatible with Iranian identity.
Islam has been a failure in Iran, leave us alone. Even Rumi was a shit poet.
sometimes i forget that we dont control georgia directly
also whats an armenia?
>not recreating Cyrus's empire from Egypt to Afghanistan
it blows my mind that I live only hours away from a city that plenty of people died in very nasty ways during a failed coup.
shit, or in thebalkans where a genocide happened. The world outside the first world is very fucking dangerous.
your parents are retarted
sure yorgo how is the debts going?
didn't you say you were a drug dealer
tbf he's right though
See what happened to those Scandi girls in Morocco
As it should always have been
what happens on the other side of a continent that we dont even inhabit doesnt bother us
Idk men
Always had the idea that western turkey is safe since its no different from Europe but the farther you go East it becomes unsafe since its basically an extension of the Levant and you have kurds and arabs murdering each other
Not true, I live 20 km away from the Syrian border and my city is safer than any yuropoor city
Based and redpilled.
Do you ever go over there just to hang out and live dangerously?
its alright unless you go to the syrian-iraq border and even then the coasts are alright
only retarded tourists (mostly women) that wander into homeless dens get killed and that happens very rarely
>entirety of Eastern Europe
There is no such a thing as a safe place. There is always a danger from somewhere, people just overlook it to not get depressed. Everyone will die eventually, being scared shitless about dangers is pretty homo desu.
I've been to Aleppo a few months ago actually. The Syrian civil war is pretty much over at this point
Go and worship your leader magyarcuck.
Well yea there's no such thing as safe place
Just that I thought eastern turkey was less safe because you have Kurds and Arabs killing each other there
What was Aleppo like? All jokes and memes aside, Syria seems like it would be a fascinating country to visit. I just wish they'd stop bombing their own history.
there isnt a warzone in eastern turkey, all the cities are safe and open for tourism and public access
unless you go to the tiny little place the kurds still hold in syria its all safe
Can you redpill me on why everyone else in the region hates the Kurds so much?
In case any based TVRK shitposters didn't get the Jow Forums-tier infomeme here you go
Go spam it around, maybe in Jow Forums, cause as much anal aggravation as possible
>what was aleppo like
Mostly dust and destroyed houses, though people are improvising. Turkey is taking an active role in rebuilding Northern Syria so we can send the 4 Million refugees back to their country. Though it will probably take 10-20 years to completely repair all the damage that has been done, people seem to be happy.
They've been stealing land for like a thousand years in that area. But it was the Ottomans that most recently enabled them
literal ape people that kill minorities and deport entire villages on what they view is '''their land''' and then they go cry to whatever flavour of superpower there is about how much they are being opressed
First it was USSR and communism
Now its EU and america
I cant talk about the persian or arab kurds but in turkey we give them infrastructure, food, education and work and in return they bomb the infrastructure we build for them, steal money from our towns for ''protection money'' and cause illegal crime
Think of super niggers that wanted to create a state of their own in USA
Regular chimpouts, untrustworthy, terrorist attacks, inbred, low IQ, honourkillings, female circumcision, high crime activetly, act like gypsies and the list goes on
a better way to phrase it would be
>think of super niggers that want to create their own independent nation landlocked in the middle of USA
tirad açın
People mistook me for you in a /brit/ thread a while ago, funny times :)
Does it matter? It's the same jungle everywhere, turks in Istanbul had as violent deaths when the coup happened if not more violent.
I admire your balls, anyone really living in the middle east, it's a violent fucking jungle outside the first world walls. Life is much cheaper out there.
how turkic am i goyys (behind a vpn )
That pic looks like a meme/bait.
no it isn't the romanian part of my family does live up to the meme's tho
Pay your debts, 1st worlder.
You have to admit it LOOKS like you designed that to trigger the board.
Kelly baiting isn't really your best ability maybe go back to spamming dead children
i do that irl already user buy looking better than the average turk
How do you guys even manage to reason living in this whole mess, you must have become pretty desensitized so far, like if you saw someone getting decapitated or blown up in the street would not be that bad.
Tell me stories from the world outside the walls.
I want to hear some horrific shit, with death, rapes, necrophilia, rape pogroms.
just not anything too scary, I want to sleep
Second this request.
>got happy cause i saw i got a (sen)
>its kelly
come on , don't play coy, we know you've seen some sick shit in your lives so far, share it with us.
have you ever particiapated in a gang rape?
Yeah sure whatever kelly go get a job
Its so scary bro, everyday we fear that the mighty white aryan greek soldiers will invade and murder us, its so scary to think about the fearless greek warriors who will land in istanbul and izmir and take the city within in minutes while successfully removing kebab at the same time, we know its only a matter of time before you will finally leave your moms basement and set sail towards western turkey, thats why we are constantly having chimpouts, its actually just panic attacks
how about witnessing a murder? street justice murder, we know there's plenty of steet justice in muslim countries
why are you guys so negative? bet if I had a different flag you'd share with me the sick shit you've seen in your life in turkey, we all know your country is a sick place, why not share your experiences with us
Yeah bro as i said we gangrape because we just cant compete with those aryan greek superhumans you know, in the 600 years of occupying them we learned one thing and that is not to meds with those aryans in mini-skirts doing very hetersexual dance moves as they change position
Turkey is just such a shithole compared to the 183% in debt tax evading, spending money on submarines instead of fixing their economy and not even being able to take your money from the bank,
Greeks, we truly lack those superior Greek genes
Here's a compilation of some TVRK victories
Real talk though imagine having money in the bank and not being able to get it from an ATM lmao
tell us about the first time you harassed a woman, where you alone? did someone else show you how to do it?
how did you feel?
how about your first rape? we all know that rape is a significant part of the turkish culture given your own admissions. What't the ritual of it?
I've got so many questions about the world outside the wall that we'll probably need more threads about it.
Change the name to Irakey
First time I harassed a women was when I was 16, she had luck however because a superior white aryan greek man offered his asshole for hers. The greek man was very friendly showing me exactly where to put my dick in his hairy asshole and even offered to spit on it. At some point it seemed like he was begging me to do it but I walked away because I'm just a brown dude and I shouldn't even touch a white aryan greek ubermensch