Do Iranian posters exist here or are they extinct?
Do Iranian posters exist here or are they extinct?
posting on 4channel carries a death sentence in Iran
not even a vpn?
They use proxies. One responded to me using an Austrian flag on a vocaroo thread
social media is banned in iran
they can overpass the ban with paid vpn/goodbyeDPI/4chanpass but people dont want to work that much only to post on a website they dont know about
We used to get a few
I remember the Iranian furry. But he stopped posting.
he got executed
Did he actually get reported to the regime?
I remember that Jersey LARPer (who himself got v&) unironically ratted out an user for being an infidel, but I think that may have been a Saudi.
He shall live on in our memories.
Bantz is degenerate and memes are used as substitutes for nuanced understanding. Iranians would not handle such a cesspool of degeneracy well. If Iranians posted on this cancer of a forum, they'd probably become more melancholic and give Schopenhauer a run for his money. They would also invariably come to dislike the modern West even more.
Good. This modern decadent subculture has absolutely nothing of value to share. I would rather Iranians go on obscure literary forums than to waste time with uneducated, unruly peasants like you.
Unfortunately. Irani people are the nicest people on earthy likely.
Not all, I have an Irani girl on Telegram / WhatsApp & LinkedIn.
She can use YT with VPN.
Every now and then, a couple diaspora as well (me)
Chubek was based.
Jow Forums is pretty much a lgbt board. Do you realize what it implies in Iran?
>Irani people are the nicest people on earthy likely.
Unless when they kill you because of your sex life of course.
The "t" part is actually legal in Iran
Years ago there used to be an Iranian female tripfag named pipebomb who posted on Jow Forums and Jow Forums
yes but probably use proxies and dont say much about their country
those that do either are diasporafags or vpn
I made a thread on a while back about Reza Shah Pahlavi and this Iranian guy just spammed the shit out of it calling him the best leader the world had ever seen, so they do exist, I guess theyr'e just shy
Persians rise up
thats just propraganda