Just nuke this shithole already

just nuke this shithole already

Attached: Sin título.png (689x575, 335K)

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What did we do?

Based, maybe now those foreigneirs learn the hardway not to arrive on latam, they are good staying on their frozen wasteland.

A swedish tourist was shot in the leg when being mugged and they had to amputate his leg. Didn't it make to the news over there? He had spent his holidays in Patagonia and then decided to stay some more time in Buenos Aires.
It's fucking depressing, I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing to him, are u a cuc...?
Oh I didn't realize you were an argentine.

wow... Its like... You'd think you could walk around safety in Bruno's Aires.
But then you end up with one less leg.

careful with those edges... come back when you turn 18

yeah exactly. I can't imagine what's going on in his mind right now. I'd be so infuriated with this place. it literally happend one block away from the very center of the city

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Disappointing, I though he got captured by a drug lord and got his leg sawed off live but a shot to the leg is nothing, happens all the time in the US

That's weird considering that neighborhood is pretty safe, but the city has been getting shittier and shittier so it's not that surprising

I'd be rethinking my decisions endlessly until I become mentally ill, that'd be me alright.

never struggle with someone that have a gun pointing at you

losing a limb / vision / hearing is one of my biggest fears. from one minute to the next your life has changed forever and you can't do anything about it.
it fucking sucks man, I'd rather be dead literally.

> I'm sorry
How beta can you get?

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he was too brown for a WHITE coutnry

I wish I never was born. Life is a curse, dude.

What? But I thought Argentina is safe..

I remember asking if it was dangerous to walk around in Moscow at night and everybody laughed.
it's relatively safe in most neighborhoods in the capital, this guy was unlucky and he also reacted at gunpoint. still, Russia is probably safer overall

"Honey, let's visit Argentina!"
"But the air tickets alone cost and arm and a leg!"
"You like to exaggerate things too much, dear!"

Im guessing that´s considered a "joke" in Portugay

Sorry, I'm sleepy
But I'm more sorry for the Swedish dude

How do I go to a Lat country without dying?

>Not sacando la mochila

Sucks to be him.

damn how do you remember this?

migo migo migo...

>tfw 95% of Jow Forums has no idea what this means

Niggas nowadays don't even remember Chubek.

>nobody remembers Sheikh

Fucking reddit, i blame US elections.

Is he still in Jail?

Well, how do you survive in America?

Attached: aaa.png (1362x810, 97K)

Oh, it's a
>European foreigner comes to Latin America to do some shady shit and gets targeted but they catnt do wrong at all
Mugged my ass

Nah, he went out less than a year after he was arrested, lawyers convinced the judge that the boy is autistic and now he's basically under constant surveillance.
He did posted a few times after he was arrested, but then he just dissapeared.


>He knows I live in NC

Are you the hacker known as Jow Forums?

kek, it was just a guess.


>be scandinavian
>be raped at home
>be beheaded and amputated abroad

what did scandinavian mean by this?

He just get a shot.

My white brother....i'm sorry

Wow I thought you guys were classier than this

He referring to the morocco rusing

but Argentinians see themselves as Europeans.

wat do

Argies don't like somali tourists

Same shit you do to survive in America. What if I told you that middl class latinos have this same concern when going to the usa, aka get shot land?

Is this a website? How is it called?


>it's relatively safe in most neighborhoods

lol no. if someone aproach to you with a gun you must do as he says, otherwise you get shot.

buenos aires is a shithole. criminals do wathever they want because they know that nothing bad can happen to them.

you would be that angry if that tourist is a african?
i doubt it.
>plot twist: that swedish is called Ahmed.


>Buenos Aires
The disease of the country, if we nuked CABA we would solve a lot of problems.

>this is your average porteño neighborhood

Attached: villa 1 11 14.jpg (1850x800, 886K)

It was a Swede, dude, calm down.

At least he didn't get beheaded.

he's still there tho