
/asean/ edisi penuh jiwa dan tidak berjiwa.

Attached: KC.png (1730x768, 2.06M)

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Is Malaysia the worst Islamic shithole in asea?


>wake up
>Indonesia's flag has changed

Attached: flag_of_indonesia_by_niknaks93-d7fgww5.png (900x600, 107K)

wtf delet this how dare you make our garuda naked

Berak dulu, peace out


Still better than literal 2 strips desu

Good, but need to customize that Garuda




>gay friend from yesterday whatsapp me saying he has diarrhea
Why would you tell someone you have diarrhea? What is his end goal?

yeah i think i want to fuck the kids

hello, how are you doing my upside-down friends?

the void man, the VOID

shart in speedmart

Now with free helicopter ride™ for gommies edition.

Attached: Chile'd Indonesian flag.png (900x600, 120K)

>Maphilindo except its always in crisis regarding religion

Attached: download (3).png (310x163, 7K)

Cursed flag

This was when Philippines still wanted Sabah

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_Philippines_FVR_proposal_1.svg.png (1280x640, 41K)

Pretty good morning here, what time is it there?

>Kick someone out of WhatsApp group
>Get legal action
Such is life in Malaysia.

2:50 in the morning/night
can't sleep

What's up ?
Deep thoughts at night?

I just drank a coffee to late in the evening
>thoughts at night?
Right now I'm thinking about how the "nofap movement" resembles a cargo cult

Go to sleep ɹǝɥʇoɹq, you have work tomorrow.

>Go to sleep
I wish

What a sweet sweet digits, bro

Just drink water
Itd remove the effect

Watch Bob Ross videos on YouTube and you'll get there, works everytime for me. There's something magical about that man that I can't describe.

I did not get the quints T~T

Jesus was black, Ronan Reagan was the devil and the goverment lied about 9/11, thank you everybody and good night.

Who's this Ronan? Also
I think they might be onto (((something)))

>Just drink water Itd remove the effect
that's actually a good idea
>Watch Bob Ross videos on YouTube
I'll try it.
Thanks, and good night (I hope)

I want to put my dick in EVEEERYTHING

I bless you with the spell of good sleep

Attached: 1546282175387.webm (446x440, 1.92M)

padoru padoru

lowest grade ko sa FEU this sem (freshman first sem, yes i know, potential xDddd) is C the rest is A and Bs
sa tingin niyo ba matatanggap ako sa PUP

titignan ko pa kung kaya ko pa ayusin sa second sem puta gusto ko na mamatay sobrang hassle ng ganito

Going to visit flipland again in a few weeks. Hows the weather this time of year?

Why do the English accents of Chinese people from China sound so disgusting and different from local SEAchinks? Don't they all speak Mandarin? I was listening to a Chinaman speak on the news this morning and he sounded like he had a dick in his mouth.

no need to insult your ancestor Kwan-Yi

uh what?

Attached: 1544735601567.jpg (500x800, 124K)

weeb kontol

Hey, Tayo

Sunny as always, with the occasional rain

12th American president


Attached: 8fey296zr66211.jpg (543x768, 64K)


I don't know it's so easy blackmailed Polwan.

The TV Show was such a masterpiece, it brings me to tears.

>I don't know it's so easy blackmail a girl.

Really? What's so good about it?
I remember watching it, but I was a little elementary school kid, can't never appreciate keluarga Cemara

WhatsApp is serious shit for Malaysians, just ask your mom and her legion of aunties


Attached: paizuri?.jpg (1200x1800, 228K)

try to watch it again then

Miko Breast!

Attached: 1524862692786.png (1500x1773, 1.86M)

>khatib giving the jemaah pointers on how to deal with the ch*nk menace
based based based

Attached: 1537530357546.gif (573x636, 369K)

>dont have the guts to flirt with my big-titted fat-assed chink lecturer
Oh god...


You wouldn't believe how easy it really is to blackmail a female.


macam mak kau

That's gone too far, dude.

Attached: 1518380366029.jpg (228x221, 8K)

Yes because we're much better than indonesia

Whats black represent of?

The color and size of indonesian cocks

Represent Indonesian Bvlls who fought against the Dutch

Guys I need help, I have some newborn cat that is abandoned by their mother. What do guys? Any veterinarian here?

Attached: real cat btw, not this kind of cat.jpg (801x1000, 84K)

Treat its wounds or show it to a vet

Post kitten

Just ignore them. They'll be dead in 2-3 days. Bury the carcass before it smells. The hole should be around 1 - 1.5 meter deep .

>pet it for 6 month
>sell it online


Attached: 1546581130993.jpg (317x432, 24K)

>not keeping it as a housecat to catch mouse

It's a common thing for me to do. I'm no saint to feed or raise them.

You are quite right. A cat brings no added value, feeding it and housing it is a bad investment

Give them away to cat lovers. You'll regret your decision if you keep it later, especially if you don't really like to have pets.

The Prophet would be furious to see you guys abandoning his favourite animal. Cats are pure animals and must not be left to starve.

Your name is Ahmed but you don't even love cat like our prophet did.
Take off your name faggot.

Goddamnit it was 3 kitten, I left it in a shoebox while I try to find baby milk replacement and a fucking cat mangled them. 2 bit in the head and 1 around the stomach. They are gone now. RIP.
Press F to pay respect.

Attached: Even if I return to the other side, please always take a good care.jpg (850x910, 151K)

Name them and bury it in your background

must have been a territorial male

Dubs can name 1 kot.

Trips name all

Ok then, to roll you need to reply F here

Their death is a blessing from Allah. They'll no longer have to endure any suffering on this earth. It's Allah's will

for the name, Primsriver sister from touhou

Name one cat "Big Boss"


Macam mak kau juga sebab dia dalam neraka


Not a name, but hmm.

Ish kau, x baik kutuk mak sendiri

>hello bb, send nekked pls

>trilingual porn title
Malay, pls


Needs Tamil too
