Who would win?

Who would win?

Attached: Sides.png (6460x3480, 2.17M)


One hypersonic missile

Really wouldn't be a challenge for blue

Red only really has China and Russia, the others are relatively minor player that can, at most, have significance in certain theaters
(Iran/Pakistan in ME) (Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan in East Africa) (Vietnam in Indochina)

But the blue side as many many dominant powers (France, USA, Germany, Japan, UK)
And many more regional powers (Mexico, SA, Egypt, Israel, S. Africa, Poland, S. Korea, Thailand, Australia, Spain, Italy, Turkey, etc.)



> Spain
> Blue
They are unashamed commies

people on the ISS

Without nukes? Blue and it’s not even close

alone america could take down the rest of the world

idk but i know for sure iraq won't be fighting for the evil side like your map suggest

they couldn't even take down pic related

Attached: 82389.jpg (720x960, 149K)

we could've glassed Iraq if we wanted to

no you couldn't
it's political and security suicide

yea, they could. they didn’t want to cause of the reasons you listed

hypothetically, we could've just bombed every population center and killed everybody until there were no Iraqis left. It's not that we aren't capable, it's just that we didn't want to because there's consequences for doing crimes against humanity. The US is more than capable of destroying the entire world, it's just that we choose not to. To say that we couldn't take down insurgencies in the middle east because we're incapable is wrong.

*committing crimes*


*checks shitaly*



Socialism is Democracy.

>Russian hypersonic missile scientists arrested, accused of treason
Looks like we already got 'em, too, buddy ;^)

No fucking shit it would've been political suicide as the Iraqi said. Besides, there's no point in doing so.

How outdated is that Map?

Attached: GodIsSuchaGemini.jpg (800x960, 161K)

> democratic as opposed to socialist
you what

it's not incorrect to say you coulnt do something you couldnt do even if theres a reason you couldnt do it

If India sided with socialist forces then they would win.

Who made this fucking map? It's entirely incorrect

>Erdoğan sultanate

and if the US sided with socialist forces they would win, both are about as likely as the other
India is democratic and a member of the security dialogue with usa, japan, australia to 'keep peace around china'
whoever made the map should have coloured them blue to begin with