
the gf

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cara gf

The gf

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Me? I'm an ABL.

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got a pretty thick but perfect gf lads, she cant do anything logical and she’s certainly no money earner but very loyal, good at cooking and cleaning and would put my balls in her mouth at the click of a finger but I’m constantly tempted by other women and I’m getting proper bored of her

Relationships are overrated.


>bindippers btfo

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going straight into my slag folder >:D


got a jury summons

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>certainly no money earner
Make her get a job or dump her you mealticket cuck

Bit disappointed they didn't find a nazi base on the dark side of the moon desu lads

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stop being a fucking retard and keep her around
focus your energy on something productive and long term not other women you mong

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also that this movie was absolute shit and that they hid the greater part of the plot for months after teasing the movie

What's this from again? I remember laughing my head off at it

you really really really like this image

She has one its just nowhere near what i earn

thinking of doing a month long trip through turkey just fucking turkish girls I meet off interpals
they seem really easy

how was this not a goal?

Are you a top class rentboy?

hope you get beheaded inshallah

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Yeah good point thanks lad, I’m sure its just down to stress and boredom

reckon rasheed had the right idea in throwing these creatures off of rooftops

that'd just be a bonus

have you considered turkish boys?

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boy bum

yes I would be like an ottoman noble

>I think the weirdness has a likeable quality and character to it

Have you watched the show End of the fucking world? Part of it takes place in a neighbourhood that looks like that

this orange idiot has more common sense than the entire United States defence department and state department establishments

Shagged a lass from work last night lads
Couldn’t believe my luck

>orange man dumb!

Come Dine With Me I think

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Notice how it's pretty much just the autistic white nationalist virgins who go on about how relationships are important or great, and how polyamory - which is literally part of our DNA - is "degenerate".

Christ, imagine voluntarily giving away your freedom, your libido/sex-drive (that stuff goes away after being with the same woman after a year), your friends, your alone time, your privacy - everything.

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>Shagged a lass from work last night lads

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That’s a Shit show, hope you die.

Jesus this is making me like Trump

>and how polyamory - which is literally part of our DNA - is "degenerate".
i hate incels too but you're just retarded
polyamory hasn't been part of humanity ever since we stopped being cavemen and actually started trying to create society

Honestly disgusted by this

Hope that all you white saffers get genocided

The gf

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no but ill be watching some clips of it to see
the show itself based on the trailer looks not that good honestly lol

lassed a shag last nite in me uncles basement

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big cope

what's your actual goal? you're what I imagine a malicious spirit like a poltergeist would if it were in charge of a laptop

having a watch

Have you tried losing your virginity? angry pale incel

many countries are still highly polygamous

I really like your wacky don't care gimmick
im smart enough to see that you don't believe this shit you post lmao
but just to be safe, traditional relationships are literally in our nature to have and all the white nationalist autism is just an expression of how broken everything is in the modern world

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painted roastoid claws typed this out

Just woke up and already drinking lads haha x

time flies when ur a faggot

and they're all shit

>You dont like my gay Netflix series that makes you incel

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so what, its still in our nature and our DNA

it's better to be JFKs third wife than bozo the clowns 1st


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mummy got me a 440g box of peanut m&m's, over 3,000 calories
how am i supposed to change when i'm forced into this environment

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>its still in our nature and our DNA
prove it

and all of those countries are shitholes

Angry, pale, no friend, 17 year old incel freak

only have 2 friends and they cancelled tomorrow just now so I have nothing to do and haven't seen anoyne since before christmas lol


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>literally muh dik
okay there nigger

Just called a taxi driver the N word

it is a bit of a shit show desu angsy teenage nonsense

British Asian mate, born and bred.

saffer's gimmick is to basically LARP as the most unlikeable types of people online while he has a big fucking grin on his face

dude probably despises jews more than anyone considering how hard he LARPs as some ADL-type zionist

we have twice as many female as male ancestors

Ugly, stupid, and terrible music

love her

None of those things are true lad

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*is a bachelor and posts retarded shite on Jow Forums all day*
why is my life so empty and soulless lads?
btw relationships are dumb don't give up your freedom haha come on now

that isnt proof.

Britain is in Europe not Asia mate

printed this out and spunked on it

>day 1 of being healthy
>loads of beer and pizza
>day 2 of being healthy
>stick to my calories and do exercise
>day 3 of being healthy
>some beers, a pizza and still drinking

I'll start properly tomorrow lads, I swear.

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what happened to emmett?

ah yes, fellow men of patrician taste

he's on a date

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>imagine living besides the pristine beaches of cape town and the boundless nature and mountains of south africa and instead spending your day on a British Government Alienated Youth's messageboard.


First world societies are polygamous as well, it's just not legally recognised. Powerful men always have mistresses, and often marry and divorce multiple women but impregnate them in their prime

admitted he's jewish and blew his own brains out

The British Isles belong to the Anglo-Saxon, and Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, belongs to Germany.

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save them for a rainy day

eat a combination of disgusting and healthy food and exercise a lot
that's what I do and it seems to work well

locked up in a c.i.a. blacksite in poland
rcmp niggers got him