>your region
>is it statistically unlikely to find a gf there?
>your region
>is it statistically unlikely to find a gf there?
There could be 1000 women to every male and I still would have no gf
>In 2008
Good luck finding a more recent map.
why we have so many fucking woman and i still cant find one
2008 was last year bro
You just have to move to Vienna
Wales here I come
Statistically I should have 1,3 girlfriends.
I live in helsinki and i'm 26 kissless virgin
>East Germany
fucking hell, they should just import Eastern euro girls. Its 109 woman per 100 men here tough it almost evens out in my age bracket. always been easy to have girls to be honest
still >tfw no gf
The French BVLL needs women to serve him
In current year Germany and Sweden will be dark blur because of the amount of male refugees they get
Don't get fooled by this, women outlive men by at least 6 years in France.
Nevermind, i missed the "25 to 29"
Very strange, what can explain this?
No, not at all but this is due to the HUGE uni and i just stay at home all day
>in the age group 25 to 29 in 2008
These numbers aren't counting boomer women and their dead husbands user
i dont know but i do notice that in university there is more woman.
Ok i found 2018 numbers for France
Look at the labels: most France is in the "97 to 102" range. It probably means that in the areas, they are actually at 97 or 98 women per men, and those women actually moved to the few areas that are "102 to 107".
Or maybe it's because all the Spanish women went there to get French'd.
user Unis are about 66% female / 33% male, this is a well known fact
>2 Million Homos
And no one is surprised
>east germany
how does this happen?
only in social scienes
this is normal. while women live longer the average birth rate is 1.06 males for every 1.0 females, especially among indo-europeans it is really similar
the more age the more woman kek its like natural selection for man
we are much easier to die
>the average birth rate is 1.06 males for every 1.0 females
Yes i knew that. This is show in the number for the < 15 years and 20-24.
But look at 25-29, there are more women than men. What can explain this? Do a bunch of men kill themselves before 25?
import millions of non white men
So French Guyana is technically a part of the EU, right? Time to emigrate. Also
No im not an subhuman Ossi inshallah.
Also based Wörthersee
men get their driving licence and die en masse
>scratch your hand
>have to get your whole arm amputated for gangren 2 hours laters
not worth it
nah its still kinda weird, especilly because the trend is that more males emigrate than females. looking at economic affluency and language continuity it seems that spanish and Greeks immigrate to France pretty often with an irreleguar pattern, especially among the south (historic Greek settlements). Do you have stats with nationaility too?
>Only in social sciences
Unis here are overrun by females, the 66/33 figure is a global one, if you go to "sciences" like psychology the share of females explode way beyond that
psychology is still a social science. I was referring to STEM desu, which no way will there be more girls than men
Fuck this shithole, I'm moving in France!
everyday i took tram to university all i see is long hair
They've been taken by Africans now
true that, there were like 5 females for 40 males in my physics classes
Of course STEM is male dominated
I got what you meant, just trying to say the 66/33 figure is the OVERALL shares in higher ed these days, an average of the total numbers regardless of field. This is the first figure you're introduced to when you start uni here, the second one being the literal 80%+ dropout rate
>east germany
Pussy drain. They've glued together a post-communist country and a western one, of course women from the East end up marrying the rich guys from the west.
Fine then, Alpes de Haute-Provence it is, what should I expect?
Wolves and lonely moutain girls
>lonely moutain girls
Brb packing bag
Time for ROMANIAN BVLLS to take them back!
>your region
a part of the USA
>is it statistically unlikely to find a gf there?
I don't care, because it doesn't matter
I'm a 169cm short "male" manlet midget.
Even if I lived somewhere 10000women:1man, it wouldn't matter.
>all the places where there are more women are shitholes
Explain east Germany then.