>Germans refer to themselves as Deutsch
>People from Netherlands refer to themselves as Dutch
What gives???????
Germans refer to themselves as Deutsch
Jason Wright
Camden Peterson
arr rook same
Gavin Wilson
nick young? I thought that was will smith. All blacks look the same.
Eli Nelson
Arr rook same
Leo Stewart
Deutsche is pronounced doo-sch in English
Dutch is pronounced duh tch
Kayden Powell
We call ourselves Nederlanders.
Aaron Wright
I just call them "subhumans"
Brayden Sullivan
The OP is too cringey
Blake Ward
Frogs were also originally Dutch people. Dutch people even call the Netherlands "The little cold frog country".
But anglos keep confusing us with others.
Christopher Wood
comes back to HRE continuity. Tough 400 years is a lot of time, referring to both as one and the same is pretty stupid. Americans refer to amish as pensylviana Dutch alltough the language is way more similar to German