>20% the population of Australia
>3% the land area
>16% the GDP
>still miles better than Australia
>20% the population of Australia
>3% the land area
>16% the GDP
>still miles better than Australia
It’s not, which is why +10% of them live in Australia
Because it’s more temperate and beautiful looking
Their economy seems really stagnant though their government has like zero debt
less abos
less cost-inefficient land mass
less percentage of fuckwitted whites
less goddamn corruption
>miles better than Australia
[citation needed]
>You need to be a big country with a huge population to be worth living in
Fuck off Yank
Small, humble, 1st world countries like NZ and Iceland who care more about being comfy than having power are the best.
>less abos
Oh yeah, I'm sure that's the reason. Do the deadly animals make an impact, too?
>miles better than Australia
they use kilometers
why do foreigners think that we find this offensive?
Who says we called you Yank to offend you?
The idea of simply being an American is repulsive to the rest of the world
Because you use it at the end of your sentences, like where the insult would be.
You seem very fragile.
aboriginals impact the welfare system, health districts, tourism industry, mining sector, radioactive waste opportunities, property markets, justice and legislative bodies and more. so, fucking yes, they do.
poisonous animals are largely avoided and normally out in the sticks and don’t contribute too highly to fatalities as much as you would they would.
abos are actual pests by comparison. child-abusing animals.
No i'm just curious you lobster nigger
Australia has Tasmania though which seems hyper comfy
we have freedom of movement between us so it doesn't really matter which is 'better'
new zealand is great if you want to look at mountains, lakes, nature
Australia is great if you want a job
You welsh baboon
>abos impact the radioactive waste opportunities
Do you even listen to yourself?
The Welshman is leagues superior to your common vile yank
Is wide subjective consensus enough for you?
storage, to clarify. deep down in arid lands.
big money to be made for low/medium level waste from many countries. local aboriginal tribes get offered a cut of that too.
>still miles better than Australia
Very subjective. New Zealand has much more gorgeous scenery than Australia. However, Australia is wealthier and their animals aren't almost extinct. What's the point of beautiful forests when they're devoid of life except for the odd fantail and if you're lucky, a tui or kereru. I hate when kiwis and tourists say New Zealand is great because it has no dangerous animals. If New Zealand's animals were dangerous, they wouldn't be nearly extinct despite millions of dollars spent to save them.
To add, New Zealand has much better climate than Australia for my racial group, but our winters are far too warm.