Why are so many people drinking this atrocity? I tried it once and honestly cant say I would try it again. There is nothing more serene.refreshing and tasty than still mineral water. It is especially prevalent in western / northern europe where some stores dont even offer normal water. and they have like 1-2 brands that sell it at most. Incredibly frustrating.
Why are so many people drinking this atrocity? I tried it once and honestly cant say I would try it again...
Americans consume it so that to "end their addiction to sodas"
Pretty weird concept, I mean how can you get addicted to sodas?
Mineral water literally tastes like nothing. Yes, it's refreshing after sports and shit bur its basically the equivalent of taking a bite out of an air sandwich.
Carbonizing it makes for a much more interesting taste.
>It is especially prevalent in western / northern europe where some stores dont even offer normal water
Most people here don't drink it desu.
Sugar, But seriously why drink something that tastes like soda instead of buying actual soda? Also nobody ever wants to refresh themselves with sp*rkling water after a workout
It's just nice to have some fizzy stuff happening in your mouth
It's the best thing ever. Kys Slav.
I don't see any other reason, since it tastes like shit
Thats messed up. Mineral and even tap water here has a great taste and is nothing like the tastebud torture of gas water. For me its the most beautiful thing.
Buy beer or cola then?
T. does not have proper fresh springs in Hungaria. Dont be jelaous, Gabor.
sorry bro but maybe you bought a shit brand, a good glass of it after a good meal is really nice
Try perrier or san pellegrino
I drink it pretty much everyday, and it's unsurpassed when you're hungover.
I guess because it's refreshing, but 'lightly' sparkling varieties or ones left to go flat can fuck right off.
>san pellegrino
It's shit. Too lightly sparkling, plus Italians have a tendency to mix still and sparkling water because they're worse than fucking isis
I like the slightly ones like Badoit
u gay bro ?
Water is gay now? I hate the over-gased shit, makes me burp like hell
You are a mentally ill person.Please have yourself checked. A fresh, lightly cold mineral water is a drink of the heavens and the best thing to spoil your body with. Not even the tastiest beers can ever come close to that.
>Water is gay now?
Having a penchant for delicately sparkling water is a bit backdoor bandit tier yeah
Water is supposed to be literally insipid, retard.
There is literally no drink tastier than actual fresh Spring water
Well glad to know some people sexualize taste in water nowadays, what a time to be alive
you are a faggot
when will you neck yourself
But its not. Actual mineral water has a distinct taste.
the fuck are you talking about?
frizzante is what you call sparkling water
effervescente naturale is "natural" sparkling water, a lighter version with less CO2
>the bubbles burn my tongue
Hi ikibey
In shitaly I witnessed people mix sparkling water with still water and it made me even more mad than OP and his sandy vagina.
>I witnessed people mix sparkling water with still water
then why are you talking for the whole country?
Because this isn't reddit
Do Romanians have Hungarian brands?
I don't live in Romania
Who the fuck asked you
great when you hung over
only thing that's better is ukha, and that takes effort to make
Calm down šiptar, there are no other romanian flags here
nobody fucking asked you faggot
I had this in a hostel in Budapest.
Do you have carbonated piping or something?
because it's way healthier and provides the same stimulation
Don't call me a faggot
How come so many american adults drink sugary soda anyway, I thought most people grow out of this in their teens
>especially prevalent in western / northern europe
Not here though, I noticed in Germany they basically only drank sparkling water
>fizzy stuff happening in your mouth
But you are a fag!
I drink mineral water when I have cold or stomach pain but I don't really like the taste of it
All American food is corn based and contains lots of sugar, which is addictive.
>sparkling water
Christ Europeans are such massive queers lol
I literally only ever drink soda water at home besides alcohol and sweet drinks, tap water is boring as fuck
Nobody here really drinks it except people who follow every fad (because its a fad that started like 2 years ago). Its gross and if you ask for it it, you kinda sound like a snob. Still water is 100% better. This shit is gross, bitter, not refreshing, and painful to drink.
i have my own sodastream machine and gargle down atleast 2liters of that shit every day, dont know why but i just like it more than plain water and its way healthier than soda or beer. cant understand why people say it taste like shit.
>bying plain bottled water
who does that? its like bying air. its free, everywhere. i can fill my bottle from the river running through the city center and it will be perfectly safe to drink.