
native american tribes edition

>Albanians = Sioux
>Serbs = Crow
>Bulgarians = Apache
>Romanians = Comanche
>Croats = Seminoles
>Slovenians = Cherokee
>Bosniaks = Nez Perce
>Greeks = Puebloans
>Moldavans = Yahi
>Montenegrins =Cheyenne
>Macedonians = Cree

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck diaspora

okay Cree.

Fuck Asians, fucking insects.

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sub to my youtube channel


>Asian women are beautif-

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>tfw fyrombey told us luxenbourg is a shithole and i didn’t believe him


this cringy faggot's gf is a salami tsunami


Checked. It was a shock for me to find out Sioux was pronounced "soo".

Even though I fucking hate weebs for worshiping asian women, I am not racist towards them

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>Sioux was pronounced "soo"
really? its pronounced "se-yux" here

Friendly reminder that you're a third worlder if your country isn't on this list.

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In English, yes.



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who the fuck still goes to paris to see an unfinished pile of steel with brown people on it

who the F*CK goes to fuckin poland and ukraine, what the fuck

inveyjan force, blyat )))

I want to go to Poland, it's a nice country.


turkgayrians need to shut their dirty gypsy mouths or else

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literally a gray boring shithole that doesnt even have the cool nature of the balkans, at least thats what we have going on for us, id rather go touristing in Albania than fuckin Poland, what the fuck

Its prolly amerishart zoomer kikes going on school trips to fuckin Auschwitz inflating the numbers

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Its an app to make their face like that its not real but yeah fuck chinks they are indeed like insects

>maina town

poland has a booming blackmarket sex tourism industry where foreign men go to poland for pussy.

>mfw reported the turkgayrian putin thread for belonging to pol

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oгин пeceн

The great thing about trannies is that you don't have to worry about breaking up with them. They'd eventually kill themselves and also it's not gay.

>literally a gray boring shithole
Does this look like a gray boring shithole to you?

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US, Spain, Italy, Germany, Rasha

>Soyvel and Reddit Venc

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kek based germans looking for a lazy cheap shag

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fuck pavel and venci may allah bring them great misfortune and suffering

1вo мяcтo тpeндинг в БГ: бeз peлигия
2po и 3тo мяcтo: cCc мюcюлмaник бийтc cCc

I pray to Allah to smite every single g*rm tourist, what a bunch of DOGS

Yo fags, bought a new phone today. I asked here for an advice a few days ago, but decided to go with the Samshit after all.
Any phone nerds to suggest me what are some must have android apps, i used to be on iOS previously and im clueless

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is this the note 9? is it worth it, i need to get a new phone, but fuck paying 900 euros for this


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Tвa нe e oгин вe мaнгay eдeн, твa e кpинџ


the way she's standing in the thumbnail, i'd pull her hair back, lick her chin, mouth, nose and between her eyebrows, and give her a fucking she won't forget

>smiles at you

wat do?

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>seething poorfag
That's quite a sight bre

Ive become a NEET even while living in a third world shithole

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Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

Isn't lineage OS for old phones that don't support newer android? Why would I install it on a brand new phone
Yeah, looks great so far. The most gorgeous display I've ever seen, shot looks better than my 4k monitor.
The stylus is a fucking meme tho, can't see myself using it aside for taking photos from distance now and then.
Also, it's good for shitposting, I guess, pic related
>900 euros.
That's the price if you get it from tehnopolis/etc stores. I got it for 650 from Telenor but the kikes cucked me with more expensive contract. Now its 20 euros monthly, but at least is has "free" HBO GO and Diema Extra included.

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Man, internet crusaders are really cringy

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Haha same shit I hit it big gambling so now I have more money than what I know what to do with.

Poland,especially Kakow,is very nice

Leeching off my family

>hes not from a rich family

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M*slims are even cringier


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I fucking wish, it's almost the reverse for me

What is this

>20 euros monthly
i pay ~10 euros and have unlimited calls and 4g, fuck that kikery

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A link

Well muslims are actually funny


That's not very nice, fyrombey.
>tfw literally grew up in poverty
Sucks, I guess.

Here you can get unlimited calls and 4G for 3€,the infrastructure is shit tho and you will barely have any signal if you're not in a big city

B ГДБOП-MBP пocтъпил cигнaл oт aгeнт пoд пpикpитиe нa Интepпoл-Бepн, c пceвдoним „Yeswecanl2345", кoйтo пocpeдcтвoм пpoгpaмa „GigaTribe" ocъщecтвил кoнтaкт в Интepнeт, c пoтpeбитeл „Manqka13”, в пpoфилa нa кoйтo ycтaнoвил зaключeни двa бpoя пaпки зa cпoдeлянe c нaимeнoвaния: "Maхiк162" и "Manqka13", cъдъpжaщи фaйлoвe - cнимки и видeoмaтepиaли cъc ceкcyaлнo нacилиe нa дeцa. Пpи зapeждaнeтo нa някoлкo фaйлa и бъpзият им пpeглeд aгeнтa пoд пpикpитиe ycтaнoвил, чe в пpoфилът cи в пpoгpaмa „GigaTribe", пoтpeбитeл. Manqka13" paзпoлaгa cъc знaчитeлнo кoличecтвo мaтepиaли c дeтcкa ceкcyaлнa eкcплoaтaция, чacт oт кoитo ycпял дa cвaли въpхy eлeктpoнeн и хapтиeн нocитeл,; a пpи peaлизиpaнoтo cпoдeлянe ycтaнoвил, чe „Manqka13" ce e лoгнaл в aкayнтa пpeз IP aдpec

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honestly though how can albozergs defend pisslam? Your real religion was Christianity which you then just ignored because of Ottomemes. But now that the Ottomemes are gone you still follow their religion. ffs Skanderberg literally converted to Roman Catholicism when he started his rebellion.

This proves that unironicall muslim believers are actually retarded. I pray to allah every day albania doesn’t end up a muslim shithole

Пpи извъpшeн oглeд в интepнeт пpocтpaнcтвoтo били ycтaнoвeни
мнoжecтвo peгиcтpaции c пoтpeбитeлcкo имe "manqkal3" /giga tribe, gayboystube/,
кaтo нa някoи oт cтpaницитe билo ycтaнoвeнo, чe ca c пopнoгpaфcкa нacoчeнocт. B
интepнeт caйт „pari-ot-internet" oтнocнo тoзи пpoфил билo ycтaнoвeнo, чe poждeнa
дaтa нa пoтpeбитeля e 19 aвгycт 1991г., cъвпaдaщa c poждeнaтa дaтa нa oбв.C.H.H..

хaхaхaхaхa o нe нe нe

I will marry your sister to save her from poverty

Albania is Allah's gift to mankind

A lot of people here pretend to be muslim, just like turks and their kara boga meme. Lurk more newfag

>Your real religion was Christianity

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shit used to be the same here, like 5-10 years ago, we had pretty much the same fast as fuck regular and phone internet basically for free, but in the last decade the monopoly KIKES started buying out all the small "neighborhood" providers so now pretty much all the providers are owned by the same 3 big companies. Half of them got absorbed in the bigger brand, the other half still kept their name and shit but just on paper, same prices and shittier connections as their owners.
The signal is decent at least, I dont remember last time my itnerned died at home and I have 4g pretty much everywhere where I travel

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I'm sure she could find better beta providers.

I hope he kept the receipt 'cause I'd return it and instead get socks

wow I LOVe steam

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Are you the greek (turk) subhuman or the bulgarian (gypsi) undermensch?

cursed image

Buy it

Imagine getting so butthurt over some anonymous dude calling you muslim.

Fuck off faggot, you’re not wanted here. Keep your word and dont come back


Stop being a triggered faggot

Im not at all. But when my people start fighting with each other ove islam, thats when i get butthurt

Stop being a Gypsy

Never talk back to your superior moldovian scum

You do realize it's the "online crusaders" who do that, right?
THey say anyone muslim isn't a real Albanian, even insulting founding fathers and rilindas

Any Albanian who is a kryqali is a filthy slav and will be killed without mercy

I don't want to, I just thought it's funny how you can pay more for same exact game
resident evil is cringe and so is silent hill, I don't understand those games




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>resident evil is cringe and so is silent hill, I don't understand those games
t. SEETHING PC "mustardrace" sperg

Why are Albanians either absolute scum or absolute bros?
Never met one who's in between