66 years old

>66 years old
>supposedly his last term
Why is there no successor in sight?

Attached: vladimir-putin.jpg (3500x2591, 1.32M)

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Hot af

Wow, he's only a year older than my dad. That's wild. I hope the next guy who sits as unofficial dictator of Russia is at least as nice as Putin is.

>as nice as Putin is.

U wot

He can switch places with Medvedev again.

His chosen successor is the Russian Defense Minister.
He is very based and very white.

Attached: Sergei-Defense-Minister-of-Russia.jpg (2000x1126, 75K)

That man is not white.

show me a more russian face

he killed them off / scared the opposition into submission. even his "opposition" are his closeted cronies who pretend to be his rivals. he pays these clowns to act as retarded as possible to discredit the concept of opposition in russia: "do you think these faggots are better than me?". the ride never ends.

yeah that was cringe.

Whitaru than you, Pabro.


Attached: 12.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

That man is not based

This is the essence of Russia.

Attached: image.jpg (900x781, 260K)

No idea.
Probably because oligarchs plan to elect some other kind of right-wing mediocrity in his place. They don't need bright leaders, that's the thing of modern life. Slogans as vague as possible, media figures as empty and mediocre as possible, so masterminds behind them would keep on having their share of profits.
Well, he is a possible candidate, the kind I would bet my money on, if I had money and had no dignity.

He's Tuva/Russian mutt, that's very far from typical Russian.

Literally Ивaн-дypaк

he probably wants to transition to a bureaucracy with him as an unofficial father of the nation, sort of like old man in Singapore did, but maybe in a some official position, like chairman of Security Council, but not president. and president will have much reduced executive power

so specific successor is not that important as long as he manages o get the system working


Attached: FE9FD947-5946-4532-AB21-04C649F35EC1_w1023_r1_s.jpg (1023x575, 44K)

>supposedly his last term
Keep dreaming, lol.
His current term also barely started, he's staying until 2024.
Then he can make another switcheroo like in 2008.

Putin is saving Russia. He is a nice man. I don't want to see anyone else in power there. They don't understand his endgame and will fuck up.

Кaк дeлa Poccияbros

Attached: acd.jpg (600x402, 25K)

Because Russia's going back to communism once Putin leaves office, digits confirm

He'll fucking die in 6 years


What do you mean? Here is his daughter. What ethnicity is she then?

Attached: bae79d880be8eb9e_XL[1].jpg (900x600, 89K)

based turkic bull

very possible
but i think transition to a less powerful president with Putin in background is alive - is the basic plan

Somewhat possible there more and more left organizations formed by the youth opposing Putin and his puppet communist party. If 10 years ago it was inimaginable, now communism is actually on the rise.

why? he seems healthy and plays all sorts of sports and rides horses and shit.

Putin just raised the retirement age which was really unpopular. Even his core supporters didn't like it