Why is Mexican culture so violent? Is it something genetic, something in the people's blood...

Why is Mexican culture so violent? Is it something genetic, something in the people's blood? Why has the violent culture been passed down for so long without becoming less violent?

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I don't know, but I do know that mexigore is a thing. They are so brutal they literally created fucking rekt threads. Maybe it's not the blood, but something in the region driving people crazy as shit? Cartels ARE in that part of the world, let's not forget.

The heat

Poverty and hegemonic crime families

It's just the cartel gangs nowadays. It's probably something demonic as was with the Aztec culture and many other mesoamerican cultures.

Spainized killer Americans.

Damn that's spooky

indios are subhumans

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you are Indio

Social economic circumstances. Lack of privileges. Not enough scholarships. Job discrimination.


whiter than you Jose Tyrone

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Amerindians are subhumans

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t. seething mutt

Based Watsonposter

How do we save Mexico?

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genocide natives and mestizos

Bump to discuss Mexican depravity

Poverty and heat

Your skin its brown tinted, what are you trying to proof?

>You are not white!



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god I wish she would murder me

He should be brown

Do you have any idea what your relatively recent ancestors used to do to people?
Fucking Europeans, I swear. No historical awareness.


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who is this goddess


>Its indios fault
>The supposedly whiter North Is responsible for most of the narco killings

So what Is it

>Edo de Mex


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