me and the lads edition
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ancient gimmick
Hail Kekistani and Hitler! Shadilay, mein Führer!
it looms
No such thing as a normie, Chad, or racism
>proving you wrong
wtf? I haven't said anything other than that the person who made the first post is neurotypical lmao
*busts a fat nut of baby creme on your face*
Ladies, Gentlemen... Fellow Gamers,
COPE. If you've had sex 15 times at 19 you should not be posting here neurotypical
>it looms
>not posting brendan fraser
Had a dream where I was looking at my feet and noticed a bump on the bottom of my left foot. Upon further inspection I noticed a little protrusion and as I pulled it out a long metal rod emerged from the underside of my foot. It didn’t hurt and my feet weren’t bleeding or anything but they felt substantially more numb and empty afterwards.
What does this mean? Why would I have such a specific dream?
desu if u're not a gamer in 2018 u are probably low iq
Hello all, how are we?
i thought affirmative action was limited to education
time to go to bed.
fun has been had lads. now its 8 hours of sleep toil, an hour of wake up and get read toil, 30 minutes of commute toil, 8 hours of toil, 30 minutes of commute toil, an hour of cook and eat toil, so 19 hours before I'm free again.
Vampires exist
good post
mum and sister keep nagging me to contact a therapist they found for me
Also where’s melvin
>be closed racist
>go to doctor in US
>get nigger
>"uga buga muh dik mugafuga i be yo doctor n shit"
>uhhh can i get somebody else
and then you get on the nation wide news and your life is fucked
you think i don't remeber chimps spamming everywhere and US TV stations reporting
good to log your dreams lad.
keep logging them, try to notice patterns, you will learn things about your subconscious says Jung.
Is it considered normal to play with a girl's bumhole during sex lads? Virgin man here but I reckon if I ever did the deed the temptation might be hard to resist.
the only therapy that works is psychedelic therapy
ah yes
medical """school""" isn't education is it??
huehuehue GAMERS hue ammirute
>muh affirmative action
is the calling card of mediocre huwhite yanks
No good mate, what shall you be doing?
>2,000,000 years of human evolution
99.9% of that time was spent living not much higher than the beasts of the forests.
It was only 5,000 years ago that humans were making rudimentary figures on cave walls. 2,000 years ago, humans had been living in flourishing societies. Those guys were comparative geniuses compared to humans 5,000 years ago.
Humans of today are comparative geniuses to the humans of 2,000 years ago. What does that make us to the humans of 2,000,000 years ago?
Exactly. Suck my ass.
Refuse to employ anyone who isn't at least masters in dota2 or league
Sargon of Akkad Explains How SJWs Ruined Red Dead Redemption II (Must Watch)
In the current year, transgenderism is basically a welfare program for psychopaths. If your life sucks and everyone hates you, all you have to do is say you’re transgendered, and hating you will become a criminal offense.
Reminder that Chinese companies can buy our companies. The Chinese don't let us buy their companies though.
Yet he reason for all trade wars is Donald Trump?
forgot: add another 2 hours of gym toil on top, but cut down cook toil by 30 minutes because i already have a meal prepped.
so what like 3 hours free tomorrow before bed time.
not a single solitary pixel
*unleashes a big, wet, stinky poo* ah yes, that's the stuff
The way distributions work, they're most likely right most of the time in evoking it
>only 5,000 years ago
so so wrong mate 10,000 years ago minimum there were towns/cities if not much longer
Well, my trip to Queenstown has come to an end
I must say it was simply delightful, very good way to start 2019
talk to crossdressers on grindr to hopefully meet up with them and shag them
The battery won't start
15 different people or 15 times
So what biological change occurred in that most recent 0.01% of time?
had his door kicked in by a.s.i.o.
apparently he was about to ship off to syria
Explains Amer 100%
Just autistic as us yet you've shagged 15 times and I've slept with 0 women at 27 yes im thinking gtfo nt
I don’t know what you’re arguing about but some of those points are quite literally not true, Abos were doing cave paintings 40,000 years ago
compelling nargument desu
Not in Finland
okay there nigger
do you actually think in memes or is this post ironic
The Irish are Celtic subhumans.
Therapists are expensive, don’t skint yourself over nonsense
15 different girls
nah i reckon it takes some not being autistic to get birds
Reckon I’ve shagged well over 200 times its just only been with 10 different people
incels, gamers and jews share a lot in common
what do you mean nah lmao you going against archiologist and anthropologists? yeh sure u know more stupid yank
you dont wanna make me angry..... if i were u id learn to keep my mouth shut. u dont wanna see me have a heated gamer moment....
take your meds schizo you freak
running dangerously low on jack daniels
>it was not real becasue i said so
okay there nigger
'rents are saying they'd pay for it
don't really want to talk with one at the moment
maybe you already saw this but here it is again anyway. the video is a bit triggering
still howling at that time shcizo admitted he's jewish
I sure hope not, shan’t be pleased if Melvin stops posting
no don't do this it makes mustard gas
that your bf's name hahah??
This but unironcally
Thinking a number 3
very low quality post
>white people don't all look the sa-
The oldest building the in the world (in France) is only 5,000 years old. So how can there be cities 10,000 years ago?
Why are you buying yank whisky
Nah was funnier when he posted timestamped pic of his micropenis
i can easily tell them all apart
they all happen to have chrome domes (except for trump)
bbc saying that transgender people should be allowed to freeze their sperm on the NHS because they would otherwise have to spend £175 - £450 per annum to store them.
Who are you quoting?
What do you mean no it doesnt
What was Jericho
looking forward to the internet phenomenons of 2019
2018 was pretty bloody good for entertainment value, and overall every year going the internet has been accelerating faster towards more ludicrous events
>It was only 5,000 years ago that humans were making rudimentary figures on cave walls
incredibly wrong
art is tens of thousands of years old. 5,000 years ago people had been living in towns for thousands of years already
goes well with coke
both kinds iykwim
we gamers are an ancient race... all of the most powerful men in history were known to be gamers
is he an incel
waiting for the rest of my pc parts to come in
Keep impulse purchasing stupid shit to keep me satisfied but i only get more depressed when its all over hahahaah
Most recent effort was £2300 on a Leica M6 until i realised a month later i dont even enjoy photography that much
>rocket fuel
would snort these
God bless all white Aryans who fought for National Socialism.
even mild autism risks you not being able to pick up girls
Must be because of the racial difference right?
ok? what's wrong with that rorkey boy?