When did you lose your virginity?
When did you lose your virginity?
18 to a bipolar Stacy. Was pretty fucking great, unfortunately haven't been as succesful in getting sex since then, oh well (I'm 22 now).
I was born an Asian male, so likely never.
still a virgin at 18
When I was 14
Hopefully before 30, otherwise I'll fucking kill myself probably. 24 now.
I'll tell you when I lose it. 21 right now.
a year ago
I was 6 when i was raped by three 12-14yo girls so i guess when i was 6?
2005. I was 15, she was 14 and it was in "public" - we were both drunk and went behind a bush near a supermarket and it was super awkward initially but turned out alright.
We dated for 7 years then broke off.
14 she was a little older
Estonian culture is weird
how exactly can you be raped by girls at age 6? you can't even get hard at that age, can you
I only had sex twice.
respect brothers
Did u like it?
20, refused sex with roasties til I found a nice gf
im saving myself for marriage
>you can't even get hard at that age, can you
the fuck?
of course you can
>did you like being raped
Are you dumb or what?
I could definitely get hard
yes you can, I got my first boner at like 4.
Might as well wait for magical powers at this point
19 with a 6/10 girl
managed to fuck 9/10 just a month later...
opportunities missed from age 14 to 19 because I'm retarded: ~50
I would rather die a virgin than let anybody see my micropenis
I'm 19 and have never had sex. It's impossible here, others in this thread are just LARPing (or they got raped like that one user, my condolences).
I was was by age 4 i believe, at least i know it happened before i was in school.
and still a virgin
my dad was employing this 24 to 26yo woman when he ran a computer business, Julia i think her name was, brunette lady with shortish hair
upstairs in the attic he had a whole bunch of electronics boxes and stuff and his own personal pc he'd let me use and i'd play battlefield 1942. She'd come up quite often and used to spend time with me. Then one day things started heating up, and i'll leave it at that.
huh? really? I think I didn't even know I had a dick till age 10 or so. first time I played with my dick was with 13 or 14. first time I masturbated till orgasm was with 16.
I'm 23 and have yet to.
17 with average looking CosteƱo (Caribbean Colombian) prostitute. It was pretty meh.
same here brother
What do we do
Yes it's impossible to get sex in a country where girls get drunk and make bad decisions all the time
how bad is it?
like pic?
what the fuck
Good luck
what the hell age six too?
a few weeks ago
I miss her, she's coming to visit soon
Women can also be pedophiles as it turns out
1 inch soft
3 inches hard
thank any deity for not being born a dicklet, user
I swear I thought this was some swollen clit and labia. LMAO WHAT THE FUCK
Still a virgin at 27. I'm about ready to die 2bh.
yeahp it seems so
i don't like to use the word rape in my case cause it wasn't a bad experience
i'm sorry shit happened to ya dude