previous: Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)
>What are extra flags? Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /sp/, and Jow Forums, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitHub page.
holy fuck women should not be allowed to be waitresses
Dylan Hall
what happened
Jaxson Garcia
oh just shitty service from my local restaurant. Generally I have a regular waiter at this place who is an old hispanic guy that does a 10/10 job, but he was out today and some white blonde chick replaced him. As usual, female waitresses do an awful job, but the busboy was the real MVP and had me covered instead
i seldom eat out to begin with anyway.
Gavin Mitchell
What kinda restaraunt was it?
Ryan Thompson
Easton Davis
Italian. Nice flag, are you legit Bhutanese?
Jordan Davis
Now you're just making places up
Isaiah Campbell
Bro I love Goku and Vagina
Ian Thomas
Was the food good at least
Jeremiah Howard
It's gonna be a need proof from me
Gabriel Jackson
Liam Martinez
oh it always is. Veal saltimbocca. I figure if i eat out, might as well get something good.
Landon Moore
nice man
Juan Murphy
>Veal saltimbocca How is it? never tried before
Kayden Ward
It's very good; had a tang to it like an Indian curry almost. Wolfed it down.
this a case of brown people being better at their jobs more than it is a gender issue
Brayden Lee
No it is a case of men being better at their jobs than women. White male waiters are just as good as Hispanic ones in my experience. You just think that because you're a legitimately racist paki shithead.
Dude, send me a postcard or something. I'd love some Bhutanese stamps.
Evan Brooks
Never once have I said anything negative about white people, yet you are constantly posting racist nonsense. If you want to improve the white community, do it, don't blame me for pointing out what is obvious to anyone who doesn't walk around with their eyes closed.
Lucas Campbell
>I hate all women >waaaah you're racist because you said something that could slightly be misconstrued as mean
Imagine being this much of a huge fragile pussy
Anthony Brooks
holy shit wew, install pls?
Samuel Gutierrez
what camera did you use?
Adam Moore
don't install extraflags its a bot net that steals your IP
>Never once have I said anything negative about white people You literally just did. You made a racial generalization; a statement that white people are not good workers, and that brown people are better workers. It isn't fucking obvious, you just know very little about white people because you live in a city that has no white people. >brown people are better at white people at their jobs >im not racist, i just say that because "its true" You're the most legendary hypocrite I've ever seen on this board. If you're gonna call me out for being a misogynist, then don't spout your racial bullshit.
Christopher Gonzalez
Josiah Ramirez
if anyone here is a racist its you
Isaiah Campbell
wow a legit Bhutan, saved
Blake Carter
Okay then, we're both racists. I don't care what you call me; I see gender as a bigger issue than race. If women didn't exist I would have no reason to hate people from other races, that's all I'll say.
Aiden Phillips
is it me or are the stars blinking rn?
Adam Reed
>If women didn't exist I would have no reason to hate people from other races I have no idea what yall are arguing about but that line peaked my interest
Christopher Rogers
Do you have any regional flags to share with us from Bhutan?
Uhh I don't know depends on how energetic I feel tonight or tomorrow. I was up for 30+ hours straight yesterday and I'm moving back into my apartment at some point this weekend, I'll see what I can manage. There are only going to be 2 or 3 new ones this time for us oldflags
Christopher Rivera
elliot roger in denial or in the making
Aiden Myers
Imagine you got with your dream girlfriend. You love and support eachother and you go on cute dates and you decide want to spend your life together. Sonoma would think you and your gf deserve to die for having that.
Juan Rivera
preferably the latter. more exciting that way
Nathan Price
I never said anything about the guy dying, unless he bullied people like me he would be fine. I would kill the female regardless if she were single or not. Just wanted to clarify that since you enjoy making tons of broad and inaccurate accusations towards me.
Matthew White
I don't like Elliot at all; I would emulate Marc Lepine if I didn't have a chance at getting away from the female in my life (via moving into the country by myself). I always felt he was the best shooter; never killed a male. Elliot killed more males than females; he was by and far the worst shooter. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that he was on coke when he did his shooting because it was pure lolcow fuel