Thoughts on white Mexicans?

Thoughts on white Mexicans?

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el chap looks italian

White Mexican here AMA

If you're truly white, come to America

Actual white people don't consider "white" latinos to actually be white

Make sure to tell them that IRL, they unironically think they're white

Europe exist you know?

I already have a Spaniard passport

Why would you want to go to the US?

Actual people dont consider Canadi*ns people

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Fellow countrymen lost in a jungle full of macacos and brown monkeys

>Spaniard passport

Then you are not wh*Te


I'm a White person and I unironically don't give a shit whether a mutt thinks I am white or not. Haha, get cucked, leaf.

I bet that if you took a DNA test you would kill yourself

need to be genocided

not really because I am just trolling :^}

Omar del Taco...

desu everything north of durango should just join america already

t. voted for both trump and amlo

define "actual white people". Dunno about you but if someone is not a nig, chink, or noticeably brown he is white for normies irl

which tenacious d concert is this from?

This guy is not considered white in America

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they live like gods down there why would they come here?

But you're latino you dumb frenchfag

No such thing.

That is an oxymoron.

>jaja why yes I am north mexican and part of the ruling class, what gave it away?

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How common is this phenotype and why aren't you sending them instead of brown manlets?

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bullocks, I've been called wh*te by euros and yanks on internet and irl
I felt utterly offended and I blocked and ignored the shit out of them, bunch of ignorant cunts

You’re not white, pal. Sorry to break it to you

Ok pedrito

It’s not just the colour of your skin tho. It’s also your other features. I’ve seen white latinos and while some pass white Canadians, most have obvious hispanic features.

its a mentality too because white muslims are not white apparently

Why are white latinos so arrogant?

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A lot of Argentines are actually Spanish/Italian. I'd say people from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil need to be studied on a case-by-case basis.

Person of mostly European ancestry, preferably with light features such as light eyes and light hair and very pale or pinkish skin tone. You may think you are white because your skin is light compared to other latinos but true white people will also see you as a mystery meat brown person.

We have the right to

>"White" mexicans
I assume they stay in mexico cause ive yet to see something like that.

White Latinxs

Attached: Argentina.jpg (1000x1600, 254K)

t. zhang

wh*Te, mestizo, c*stizo

U brown ok cabron?

By your definition most Europeans arent white not even french people

Most of them stay in Mexico, but white Mexicans living in the US pass as local white Americans so nobody note them.

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>rick and morty


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Field hockey is pretty white

Her eye shape and meaty lips give her away

A lot of people in northern Europe have nigger lips tabarnak

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Are you implying that woman is Finnish-Mexican?

Even if they pass as local whites, white Mexicans never live with them, they stay in the barrio with their fellow Mexican immigrants. Only when they are educated and make good money do they live with whites, or Asians. That's a rare exception though.

me on the top left

No but if you saw her in a white country you wouldnt think about it, a lot of girls have thicc lips in Europe because northern Europeans intermixed with the rest of us.
I don't think Mexican natives have meaty lips anyway, aren't they like dark skinned siberians?

That's me in the corner.

That's why I said preferably dipshit.