

Attached: flags.png (869x125, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


wheres brittany?

dont know / care about half of those flags

Did things work out for you?
Or are you still not sure what that means?

Attached: 1545650221030.jpg (1080x1350, 112K)


Attached: su1603.jpg (600x800, 80K)

continue with the slagposting

Attached: 24.gif (200x200, 144K)

not gonna lie
pretty fucking excited for f14 coming to DCS
sims are one autistic thing in my normie personality that i like



Aus, Canada, Confederate States of America, Cornwall, England, Ireland, New Zealand
Northern Ireland, Rhodesia, Scotland, South Africa, UK, USA, Wales

no one cares


Attached: file.png (869x125, 2K)

Attached: 1544511925393.jpg (1536x2049, 1.13M)

repeating digits confirms

Attached: 1529313968372.jpg (3024x5376, 3.08M)


A sign of a vf

If you’ve shagged a few you’d understand how boring they are

Mind you most girls are boring but then again most are slags bc guess what incels, girls enjoy sex just like men do

Then how come men aren't boring?

>no one cares

Attached: 1528996869714.png (230x219, 8K)

Makes you think doesn't it

Attached: aladdin.jpg (599x475, 35K)

this is the kind of diversity i like

what's with the new trip?

>most women are slags

errrr no sweaty, they just enjoy sex. only a vf would call them slags

Because we’ve not got crippling anxieties about how we are portrayed to society and to the opposite sex

Let's be honest
Only relevant flags there are England, UK, USA and Seth Effrika

i find bjork attractive

Attached: Bjork-Buns.jpg (480x480, 40K)

>guess what incels, girls enjoy sex just like men do

Attached: 1543265988743.png (989x550, 429K)



>>guess what incels, girls enjoy sex just like men do

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Where does your name appear most lads?


>Snail mail is lesbian

WHY is everything you say so fucking gimpish lad

I strolled into a random house party in Dublin last week as I was perusing the streets off my head, it was full of pretentious student cunts like you and I sat down on a couch and one soy fiend repeatedly kept saying "I'm the king, this is my territory to me" so I sparked him clean, he was frothing at the fucking mouth, that would be you if I ever got you 190. Passive aggressive little cunt everything you say is mirthed in nasty little pseudo transgressions beneath a veil of student faggotry and pretentious faux intellectualism, students should unironicallt be strangled.

>pc is now 6 years old
>Will have to shill out 600 quid to upgrade it if I want to play new video games
Honestly might not even bother. I haven't played a modern video game in about 6 or 7 years.

a generational talent

Attached: bjork dancer.jpg (600x300, 24K)

Attached: 1521982386146.jpg (400x398, 32K)

sounds like this lad that posts here sometimes called 190, doesnt talk about anything other than drugs and depression lol. I think he might be low test.

>potential problem is facing me
>it isn't genuinely a problem though
fascinating post. keep us updated

really want an anglosphere union, lads

rate the surname

Attached: surname.png (1521x960, 173K)

The pride of Iceland

alri zhang

So fucking disgusting man, lol

>Because we’ve not got crippling anxieties about how we are portrayed to society and to the opposite sex
are you fucking kidding me lad
men make up the overwhelming suicides because they'd rather take their own life than ask for help
how can they be more afraid of how they are perceived than that?

all of these flags have white in it, which is quite sexy

Crypto Italian

Attached: SPS_BJORK_003.jpg (738x980, 81K)

Just bored of it all now. Tech has made me jaded.

>Did things work out for you?

tell my man shart up


but the countries themselves don't haha

why do faggots keep pushing the meme of cornwall being an independent country? fuck off

>The European Union requests and requires that the "united" k*ngdom remain a subservient vassal state

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 12K)

The statement relates to how men aren’t boring, not about suicide attempts.

Attached: 1546553922314.png (1242x1248, 1.19M)

>So fucking disgusting man, lol

Attached: j.jpg (400x400, 27K)

mental to think Bjork was signed to crass records

Oooh, got me... Lol.

Attached: 1535820885694.jpg (750x1334, 105K)

don't know why
i lately started fancying qts in hijabs more and more
how hard is to find iranian hijab qt with tihck ass in UK

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Attached: Screenshot_20190103-190026_Chrome Beta.jpg (1079x1332, 253K)

you're still full of shit

Nah had a big boi poo about an hour ago

>UK and Rhodesian flag in the same pic after UK left Rhodesia for niggers
okay sweete


take me somewhere far away

any fellow members of big dick gang in

Behold the Orange Order.

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I'm in love with a feeling
I know that it shows
I'm in love with a feeling
And I don't care who knows

what site


Just got a 3-day ban from /v/

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screen just went orange

we can't allow this


might see nanny betty

watching naked attraction on +1

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Sorry mate shes riding pon mi cocky right now

films went to shit after 1995

What did you post?

hello cousin

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alri lisicki mate bout 19000th off mine

Oh my god haha the state, u must be black or mixed or something bwahahahaah

Was noting the hypocrisy of people who on one hand complain about political game developers infesting their pure videogames, then proceed to constantly post about how some videogames don't agree with their own politics



Have this overwhelming feeling of despair all the time. I'm always pessimistic and I haven't been genuinely happy in years.
Don't really know what went wrong or how to change.

Attached: forebears surname result.png (1108x598, 78K)

>Oooh, got me... Lol.

Attached: 🗣 🗣 🗣.jpg (1080x1080, 354K)

*takes an exceedingly thin shit directly into your ear canal*

never watched naked attraction, but I do have a cuck fetish

is there any micropenis or interracial kino?

The first white child born in North America was an Icelander

Attached: islendingur.png (1000x728, 238K)

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its literally nothing to do with cucking, got some decent girls naked right now

Why can I not find a fucking 24-hour restaurant in Mayfair? London really is a third-world fucking shithole, should have moved elsewhere.

the first and last

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-03 at 8.10.18 PM.png (538x944, 81K)

>dude why aren't restaurants open at 1am lol