Exactly when did it become cool and trendy to say the nigger word?

exactly when did it become cool and trendy to say the nigger word?

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Why are Americans so autistic with semantics? Neger literally means black person but in the 50s suddenly American society decided it was a no no word

When **ite Jow Forums shit-lords migrated here.

back in the 1600-1700 when niggers knew their place

when all the niggers started using it and holding it over whitey head
>nu-uh sweety you can't say the n-word you are white

dunno, I only knew the word nigger when I started browsing Jow Forums
calling amerindians shitty negroes is pretty common here though

Americans are childish with everything.

It's especially funny when white rappers can talk about killing people, pimping women, selling drugs and no one gives a shit but if they were to say nigga or nigger the media would go crazy.

oh this too, american autism again

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>Just one thing before we hire you user: we have here that you've used the N word, and variations of, 1831 times on the website 4Channel.org. Do you have anything to say about that?

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Honestly it really triggers me that nigger is so censored people aren't even allowed to quote it. Feels so 3rd grade that you can't even say "he called him a nigger" , it's just a bad word why does a grown ass man have to censor it?

>newspaper article uses “the n-word”

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There some scandi developer which quoted it by accually saying the word nigger and got a fucking brick wall of American autism thrown on him until he had to make a grovelling public apology to not lose his job
Other white people didnt even have anything to do with why calling somebody a nigger is so offensive

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>the n-word

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It's also not dumb and trendy to say the r-word


i wish americans would keep their autism to themselves

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It's gay -_-

can see this actually becoming a thing later on

When people decided that saying the nigger word is taboo.
>ok nigger

>haha yes, fuck niggers

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I didn't know this word until I found this board.
I didn't even pay attention to races. I knew people look different just like trees look different and that was the deepest thought on the topic I ever had.

it is ?

when Adolf Trump was woefully elected (thanks to R*ssian bots btw)

as soon as people said you couldn't say it

well if there is no racism or even races in your countries or racists slurs are so common they've been trivialized (like in latam) then you won't get it and why should you. you autists just keep beating the dead horse.

when did it become a taboo in latvia?

It isn't strongly taboo in italy, i am sure it's not even nearly taboo there

It's cool to say it because it goes against authority.

when people tried to stop people from saying it

"black" is how you say "black" in english, nigger has always been an insult

>in latvia
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Am I interacting with Latvians right now?

The internet is global and many non-anglophone cultures are distinctly separated from it. I guess if you only post on Jow Forums you may still be hesitant to venture beyond your cunt's cultural sphere, but the overwhelming majority of my personal interaction is in the anglophone internet. In fact, I don't use Latvian internet at all.

So it's not taboo in Latvia. I doubt most people even know that Americans would get upset by the word. But when I am here, Latvian culture has literally fuck all to do with the social mores I have to put up with.

I mean, just look at the time. It's 4 am here. I might be in Latvia physically, but socially I might as well be in the US.

LMAO calm down.

>in all levels except physical i am an american

Are you too autistic to understand that a word or idea can become tainted by a negative history?
Nigger was originally a corruption of negro, which is just black.

Read this. He has a point. Lots of countries are much more racist than the US but it is either not considered a big deal there or those are smallish cunts and their news don't get the same level of coverage. People are ignorant everywhere.

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Well its not like you can call someone negro in tv. But of course people don't care

Bro every shithole is more racist than first world. It's normal. What's your point and who are you saying it to?

There is one thing that triggers me more, when local folks (in Siberia) infected by American schizophrenia refer to negroes who live here as African-american, despite that fact they have never been in Africa nor in America.

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exactly this, yes

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everyone implies that america is a very racist place. yet you just said that calling someone a nigger is not considered a huge taboo in italy. even though it is obvious what kind of black people end up in italy and what italians think about them. imagine you are an educated, law obedient person from africa and you want to immgrate. of course you will choose america because it is easier for you to blend in here while everyone in europe will think that you are a criminal.

proof they do that?

>mfw not an amerimutt
>mfw I can say the N word whenever, wherever and however I please
Negros de mierda.

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theres black people in siberia?

Lol I somehow read right past that without noticing but yeah, what the fuck?