Is it true that people are saying mean things about English speakers in your generals?

Is it true that people are saying mean things about English speakers in your generals?

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Why would they do that?
We're nice people.

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who cares what non-anglos say about anything?

Our general is in Lithuanian so I have no idea wtf they're talking about

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I'm in frequenting 3 non-English generals and in at least two of those people make regularly fun of Anglo tourists.

Hilo Latino doesn't count since they make fun of anglos in English too

I only speak white languages, sorry.


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>not google translating entire generals and taking notes

>taking notes
For what purpose...?

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do not forgive and do not forget ;)

There is a certain number of unironic diehard Nazifaggots from Germany and Austria in /deutsch/ called Ronny. Those Ronnies plan WW3 and their revenge on the United Kingdom and the entire commonwealth. I recommend you to lurk and supervise the thread together with the GCHQ.

I lurk /deutsch/ threads but most posters seem pretty tame apart from the occasional WW2 picture post.


We're always watching, always waiting.

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90% of /deutsch/ are average useless harmless NEETs with anime fetish and compulsory masturbation habits. The other 10% are serious NatSoc's that conspire on waging war on the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth and also on killing the rightful Monarch. I know for a fact that they do communicate about this semi openly by using code words and I know for a fact that they have or had at least one operative in Birmingham, England and another one in Arizona, USA.
So yes, keep it it logged and don't hesitate to call the German or Austrian authorities, "Wiederbetätigung" is a serious crime!

Ok Danke for the tip my ally, I will be looking for this Ronny guy, hopefully we'll catch him committing Volksverhetzung and duly notify our German and Austrian colleagues!

P.S. if you plan a neat little sting operation, just drop casually by on /deutsch/ and post some quality anime, people reacting negatively or even openly aggressive are 99% sure Anglo hatting NaziCommunists.

Nah, we Ex-USSR fags just tend to shit post gay shit, name-fagging and being comfy as fuck.

How are Germans even allowed to do this? Doesn't the government unironically monitor internet usage for talk about the Nazis?

Yeah on Facebook and Twitter

Is true if you post a swastika on Facebook in Germany a gsg9 sniper instantly kills you?

They do, that's why they came to Jow Forums, land of the free, free speach and such. Here they can discuss their schemes to seize power without the ever watchful eyes of the Bundesverfassungsschutz, here it is only a handful of brave Brits that guard the realms of men against the tyranny of the eternal G*rm.