Fuck racists

Fuck racists

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Argentina is white

mmm yes please!

DonĀ“t give a shit, complexado

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>being this defensive

Is she Argentinian?


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you know what they say, if you don't have anything nice to say...

Put your snowmonkey nose here

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Whats her name i just want to see one pic of her tits without something in the way
Ill even give some tribute 'marissa roper tits'


>short fat bitch with saggy tits and greasy hair
Jow Forums's beauty standards are pretty africanized

Im a racist

wh-why don't you l-like me??? :`(

We can't progress in this world if we arent united and work together, but I'd still choose racism :)

>are pretty africanized
pretty much the present state of france

say that to my (black) face

is it racist to just not like or care about shitskins in general? just trying to avoid them as much as possible


She is brown.


and that's a good thing

milk gone sour?

Im a racist

Wow, this is the first time I've seen a German be funny.

hating on whites is racist.

god just one sniff please god just give me one

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so boner desu.
my dick is getting bigger and bigger desu.
Brazilian woman is so hot desu.
please gibe me uncensored of this woman desu.

rub your fingers on your arsehole and it'll smell similar to that