What is it like to be attractive/handsome?

What is it like to be attractive/handsome?
What is it like to be desired by girls?
Do girls stare at you a lot? Do people feel insecure and nervous around you?

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>What is it like to be attractive/handsome?
i wish i knew
>What is it like to be desired by girls?
i feel stupid because when a girl is showing interest in me i don't know what to do
>Do girls stare at you a lot?
>Do people feel insecure and nervous around you?
nah, it's the other way around

wtf she have the tits of a 9 years old

People stare at me but I don't think it's because I'm handsome

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>People stare at me but I don't think it's because I'm handsome

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I was at a party yesterday and this fat girl sat aside me on a couch while I was blasted on mdma. She kept saying I had a baby face and was handsome. She was fat so I doubt its an achievement. She touched me but I was too blasted to resist. Before she left she tried kissing me but then I managed to avoid it.

Cowtits are disgusting you fucking freak.

>What is it like to be attractive/handsome?
one of my closest friends has been blessed with really good genes, it's mainly just a load of fun as people treat you better than the average joe cause' you're eye candy. Gay dudes for anything related to service are a dream for this.

>What is it like to be desired by girls?
You get used to it, even being near someone like that for a while. Watching some people turn their heads or stare at him from across a room gets kinda funny to be honest, it leaves it up to the imagination on how you can mess around with them. Like I might let him know of someone doing that out the corner of my eye, he'll turn, look at her straight in the eyes and wink, and we'll both have a chuckle when we see her jump, blush, shoot her eyes down to the floor or something like that and try and act natural.

>Do people feel insecure and nervous?
I don't feel like that around him, he's a mate, a good one at that. I'm not gonna find love at the shopping centre or in the city, it'll be on a date or from a pop-in at work, and it's funny nonetheless. Personally I think if anyone does feel that way they're not really worth becoming friends with because they don't love themselves enough, at least that'd be my opinion in his shoes.

damn, she is so so cute :#3

It really sucks for someone with socisl anxiety. You notice all the glaces and stares people give you. Sometimes people will come up and talk to you, which is really nerve wracking. I was i could blend in better.

>What is it like to be attractive/handsome?
it's cool
>What is it like to be desired by girls?
having that kind of power over someone feels great
>Do girls stare at you a lot? Do people feel insecure and nervous around you?
yeah, yeah

haha its cool bro xD

I wish I was over 6 ft. I'd literally never bother working out again.

I'm 192 cm and I still feel small when walking up to people. I need the muscles.

at least make your lies believable

oof yeah i'm pretty lucky to be 192cm
how short are you?


>What is it like to be attractive/handsome?
i just b miiself
>What is it like to be desired by girls?
Its ok, except this one girl who wont give me attention and it makes me feel like Gaston
>Do girls stare at you a lot? Do people feel insecure and nervous around you?
Yes, and only assuming im attractive because people stare at me, or im extremely ugly and autistic. I think I get more insecure and nervous around them than they do me

>Do girls stare at you a lot?
it's actually the opposite. Girls will resist and always look away

I'm 179 and feel short as fuck bro

can't you get arrested for saying this?

It has pros and cons, I attract a lot of girls, but my social awkwardness/autism scares them away, it's very depressing.
Some people treat you better, you get lots of stares, gay dudes hit on you, it's a plus when looking for a job, etc.

>What is it like to be attractive/handsome?
>What is it like to be desired by girls?
ifc because fag
>Do girls stare at you a lot?
Do people feel insecure and nervous around you?