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based munchenposter

and thats a good thing

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>45% white British

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reality looks more like this

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not even london

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that one city in trainspotting

Biji biji kurdistani
Germany is KURD

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>tfw live in comfy 98% white rural town in the rocky mountains

Very comfy lads

edinburgh is 83% white british and one of the nicest cities in britain

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and you said we couldn't tell you about your country.

told u so

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REMOVE NIGGAB, hitley friend

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what makes you say that?

>colonize and then neo-colonize 90% of the planet
>get angry when they do it back

The fucking STATE of euros.

Not good enough.

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Africa is still black dumbass, as ME and SEA is still homogeneous.
Europe and America is mutt town

What? How are Europeans to blame for americans culturally colonizing the planet post-ww2?

>culturally colonizing

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Europe isn't even close to as mutted as you are right now. Don't delude yourself. Things are bad in Europe but they're not >le 56% bad.

Same here, Freund. I was born in Houston Texas and I've seen it go from a decent sized Black/White working class city into a mexcriment/nigger filled shithole. I got out 5 years ago!

Did you forget that whole.....colonization thing Europe did for 200 years?

Have you paid any attention at all to the post-ww2 world, mate? Americans have spread their cancer everywhere.

I visited Edinburgh for 2 weeks back in 2015. Lovely city. I hope that it hasn't gone brown.

I take it you didn't read my post properly.
No, what I quoted from you was
-colonize. What do you mean by that?
I know very well what Europeans did in the "Scramble for Africa" and the slave trade earlier on, but surely that's not what you mean by neo-colonialism.

Based Fjordnigger

and who's fault is it for eating it up?

even you enjoy american culture

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Only big cities in Europe have immigrants.
And a lot of them are from slav countries outside EU.
And a lot of arabs and turks would unironically be white in America

>Only big cities in Europe have immigrants.
this is false btw

Eat your vegetables, DeShawn.

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>implying it's just "culture" and not backed by military force and economic pressure

I'm not him, honestly I don't know what the hell he is droning on about.

Where are brown people going to go once they shit the whole world?

didntĀ“see any immigrants in the small cities in Spain

And this keep being true
And a lot of them are from slavic countries outside EU.
And a lot of arabs and turks would unironically be white in America

That's because Spaniards are indistinguishable from immigrants, user.

You mean canadians??

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>didntĀ“see any immigrants in the small cities in Spain
they blend in retard

Just like locusts, they'll starve to death. This is one reason why I am against giving aid to africa. You'll prop them up just enough for a baby boom....they'll depend on that aid and once the tit dries up, they'll have mass starvation. Far too dumb take care of themselves.

I don't know about other European countries but 90% of our none ethnic European population lives in two cities (London and Birmingham) I didn't see a black person in the flesh until I moved to Manchester for University.



Maybe compared to you, monkey boy

How was he like?

At least they are somewhat contained. I would hate to see them in say, Northumbria or Gwynedd.

Quite nice actually although he was unironically from Wales.

Time to start impregnating white women to outbreed the niggers. Start working on it Hans.

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which city?

Based and redpilled

I read recently about the current election in The Congo, the first peaceful transfer of power there since independence in 1960.

A polling station wasn't prepared for its mission; among other things, they didn't have power cables for the voting machines. The would-be voters? Rather than shrug their shoulders and go home, they trashed the place.

They look like a pack of lizards.


Tbqh, Norway doesn't deserve to be muslimified. Its only Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and Holland who did most of the colonizing.

That's not even the point lol, the dude you're replying to clearly has piss poor reading comprehension.
I specifically asked what people meant by NEO-colonialism.

Regarding the slave trade, you're right but Norway did have a (comparatively) small role in the atlantic slave trade, through norwegian companies and businessmen shipping a total of ~100k slaves over the atlantic to and from the west indies and africaeurope.

>German cities

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awww I wanted to visit Germany before it turned into a mutt country

Scotcunt here. Glasgow and Edinburgh are full of Korean girls.

I think the east is still mostly white.

I bet Dmitri had a good time with those kids


Whereabouts in the world is there a 95%+ white region where people are healthy and wealthy?