Welp, it looks like Sweden Yes goes back further than you thought.
Welp, it looks like Sweden Yes goes back further than you thought
You want to know why the Vietnamese people have no hard feelings towards the US because of the war, in general? Because they fucking won.
Because you didn't stop the Soviets dumbass
Actually half the Vietnamese people lost the war.
Actually all the Viet Namese people lost the war.
The only winners were disgusting communist sub-humans who are the enemies of Viet Nam.
Ah, the good old days when you didn't need to be oil rich and/or an enemy of Israel to get some American freedom.
>you are subhuman traitors if you follow a different economic theory
Based trips.
I mean, when it's an economic theory that leads to labor camps and people standing line to buy the only pair of shoes in the store...
>different economic theory
*Ideology and praxis that literally requires wholesale destruction of the nation, its people and its culture.
The Palme government opposed tyranny and imperialism from the East and the West. Sweden provided only moral support to Hanoi. Olof Palme angered many thugs all over the world with his powerful defence of human dignity and it eventually cost him his life.
There was no way the military dictatorship in the South could survive without massive US military presence. It had very little popular support and high level of political instability. Viet Cong controlled most of the countryside.
I know, I know. Your grandfather was a KSC member and he told you wonderful stories about the old days and the heroic struggle of the Vietnamese people against the US imperialists.
>The period between 1968 and 1976 also marked a cold period in the political relations between Sweden and the U.S., mainly due to the Swedish government's vocal opposition to the Vietnam War. In February 1968, the US recalled its Ambassador from Sweden after the Swedish Minister of Education and future prime minister Olof Palme, a Social Democrat, had participated in a protest in Stockholm against the war together with the North Vietnamese Ambassador to the Soviet Union Nguyen Tho Chan.[4] The post of US Ambassador to Sweden remained vacant until February 1970. In December 1972, Olof Palme (then Prime Minister) made a speech on Swedish national radio where he compared the ongoing US bombings of Hanoi to some of the worst atrocities committed by the Nazis. The US government called the comparison a "gross insult" and once again decided to freeze its diplomatic relations with Sweden (this time the freeze lasted for over a year).[4]
>that flag
>speaking in defence of communism
If you were near me right now I would kill you with my bare hands, you filth.
None of my grandparents were in the KSC. They didn’t oppose communism because they were democrats but because they were religious. They were also bourgeoisie anti-Semites. My grandmother still praises the clerofascist regime of Tiso.
Sweden is the biggest coward nation on Earth. Helped the Nazis in WW2 but wouldn’t fight, wouldn’t help in Cold War and helps Muslims attack Europe. Honestly one of the most dishonourable, rat nations I can think of.
That’s to be expected from fascist scum. Anti-communism is the main justification for your ideology.
The leaders were (before the war became desperate) not hardcore rnough for that. Even land collectivisation was halted midway through
Then you have the geopolitical disaster with China and Cambodia, and then the former leader of Vietcong sneakily restore Saigon's economy and push for nationwide reforms
How did the communists reward non-communist anti-fascist militia when they took power?
That communism failed in your country (as it has everywhere) does nothing to mitigate that support for it was treasonous and objectively evil.
>That communism failed in your country (as it has everywhere) does nothing to mitigate that support for it was treasonous and objectively evil.
Besides, communism in Czechoslovakia wasn't even grassroots, it was imposed on the back of Soviet tanks.
That's like saying half of America lost the war against the Brits. America was perceived as a foreign invader and yet the Vietnamese people have no hard feelings. Why? They have the high ground in this debate. Only sore losers have grumpy complexes.
I don't recall there were mass purges and people being put in labor/reeducation camps for 20 years for supporting the British government.
I won because I ended up porking the daughter of a viet refugee in high school
thanks america
Fascinating, Bruce.
Brits didn't scorch American soil with napalm and dumped so many chemicals on Vietnam that even 3 generations later babies get born deformed.
We should have listened to Australia more anyway, they had experience in jungle warfare from fighting Malaysian commies that we didn't have.
Finland = like a rich Baltic state
Norway & Denmark = more like the British than the Germans
Sweden = more like the Germans than the British
Explains why the Swedes were proto-nazis whilst Norway and Denmark had active resistance movements cooperating with British intelligence in WW2. Sweden is the most pro-EU by far now, and the most similar to Germany in its naive immigration policies.
More like because young people don't know it and the government don't like expressing grudges because that would be retarded for our size
Same shit for most of our history, repel Chinese invasion, accept to be their tributary afterwards, then invade and colonize southwards. Work until the monarchs got high on Confucianism
Vietnam was a whole different beast.
Sweden historically favored Germany as a middle ground between Western European liberalism and the Asiatic Russian autocracy.
Denmark moved into the British orbit after the Second Schleswig War and were generally terrified of Germany. They were nonetheless forced to comply with German demands to mine the Sound during WWI to keep British ships out of the Baltic as well as send all of their exports south.
Not surprised.
t. Galkovsky fanboy
They failed in their goal to conquer the South though; reunification is officially still state policy.
You’re basically admitting that the Vietcong were wrong to start a war in the first place because their whole economic ideology fell apart. Vietnamese could have saved themselves a huge headache and lots of people had that never touched communism.
It’s not like Russia ever would put boots on the ground like America did. Why the fuck do third world countries like to get fucked so hard?