i want to live in USA (in particularly Utah)
I want to live in USA (in particularly Utah)
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Get ready to become a mormon.
yes i want to become a mormon and have a mormon wife and make alot of mormon babies
Have fun never drinking and living around a bunch of brainwashed Mormons
I want to live in oregon
i never drinked in my life anyway
Same due to Fallout New Vegas and the Utah Uted. Then i realized i had severe autism and that Utah was full of religious zealots so gave up
for me, its west virginia
you'll also have to give up coffee and black tea
everything for a blonde blue-eyed Mormon wife
i want to live in USA (tennessee)
WV is literally 3rd world
Easily one of the most beautiful places on Earth, I have been there a few times.
can you make 20 babies?
that's a better choice i think overall. both are scenic but oregon is prettier
is it because of white women?
Utah is ethereal... beautiful people, beautiful nature and scenery, spectacularly friendly and kind people
white girls are so smart and pretty tbqh
yes, white women are Goddesses.
what's wrong with burqa?
Most people from Tennessee would have no idea where your country even is
does people from Utah have any idea where Turkey is?
I would think so
Are you wh*te
I want to live in the real good springs, Nevada unironically.
there is a 99% chance a blue eyed blonde moron wife would not be interested in a turk man.
GOOD lad
t. wh*Te incel
dont call me that word ever again
If he’s a total chad then 99% would be interested but he isn’t since he’s on here and probably looks like your average pudgey face brown turk.
Okay, in utah theres a lot of chads and tall girls, so be prepared to be mogged unless your tall, also everyone is addicted to meth in centeral
im 183cm without shoes and 185 cm with shoes
I’ve been too Utah for work a couple times, beautiful state with hard working people.
were they racist against you?
No, not at all.
I was surprised to see so many Filipinos and Polynesian there.
From what i was told as long as you work hard and don’t cause any problems you’re accepted.
Mormons are a meme but they're genuinely great people. Those lot truly are noble beasts.
Nevada is overall better as a desert state but I'd still recommend Colorado as it both has a warm, dry climate and is probably the only first world state not in the northeast/northwest
Fuck off, we're full.
if you are a cute polish male i will let you live with me in tn
I want to live in either Georgia(the state) or Michigan desu.
any reason why
Because I think these states are pretty cool and they aren't that expensive nor are they soul-less.
Mormonism and Islam are both quite similar when you think about it.
georgia has alot of black people fren
im moving there soon
Why though?
It's basically white Islam
Mormons are nicest people in the world. Utah is full of blonde blue-eyed white Goddesses. i would feel safe in there.
Don't you feel safe amongst your BLACK brethren?
So, you pick which state you would want to live solely by the demographics of said state? I picked Michigan and Georgia because I know people who live there.
Mormons are freaks bro
a lot of them are probably racist too, not like neonazi racist but jewish racist
Yes. i wouldnt want to live with black people
Not at all..
I'd like to live on the border of Oklahoma in Texas desu. You Texan's seem pretty rock-steady reliable out in the rural areas, sorta people to give the shirt of their back. I hate the gun laws over here and the tornado weather is a plus too.
my nibba
Americans, comparing girls from Illinois, North Carolina, Minnesota and Wisconsin, how would you rank them and which are the best?
Shit, shit, shit, and shit
In that order
just don't go to Fl*rida, (((New York))) or Commiefornia and you'll be fine
It's a retarded question
Why? Some American told me that girls from those states are completely different and that the difference between girls from the midwest and south is huge. But i can't see any difference, that's why i'm asking other Americans.
And of course i'm talking about whitey one only.
I'm from Illinois, went to University in Wisconsin and have family in Minnesota. The difference in attractiveness between these three states is negligible, especially if you're only talking about only white girls. And idk about North Carolina, I've actually never been there
you got shat on by some western girls son
You only know about the midwestern states, so Brazilianons question is still valid. How do girls in the South (North Carolina) compare to girls in the Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois).
North Carolina is so filled with transplants that unless you're asking about the backwaters of the state you're not going to get a straight answer
Sick 'em dash ghibi
Hmmm. So Americans suffer of the special snowflake syndrome just like Brazilians. All claim to be unique but there's barely any difference.
I singled out North Carolina specifically because it seems to be wealthier than the rest, plus i'm going to study there, but apparently North Carolina has lots of emigrants from the Midwest.
New England is the most interesting place to me, it seems to have some genuine culture and history but sadly i couldn't get any spot there.
So you're saying islam and mormonism lifestyle is no different?
Wut? Speak English bogan.
>I singled out North Carolina specifically because it seems to be wealthier than the rest
Fucking subhuman golddigger
>New England is the most interesting place to me, it seems to have some genuine culture and history
Genuinely retarded
No wonder you only got to study in North fucking Carolina
What kind of work is there in Wyoming so that I can become and American?
At least I'm Western, Satan.
>So you're saying islam and mormonism lifestyle is no different?
Well there's the no drinking part
Indoctrinating children into insane religious beliefs
Yeah, I guess Islam and Mormonism are pretty similar
I hear suicide is quite the up and coming industry in Wyoming
Suicide machine manufacturer then
Islam is a beautiful religion stop making fun of it you fucktard
Go back to Jow Forums
That'd be Georgia
MasyaAllah.....I hope muslims will cooperate with mormon to create a new mormon based terrorist group...Imagine whiteys with AKs demanding mormon sharia to be implement for the state of Utah
Shut the fuck up you atheist subhuman
Such a based idea
>being this new
There are only 3 places in the US where I want to live:
New York City
San Diego
Upper Peninsula Michigan
as much as you're new
based post
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
You don't know how much you're programmed to connotate 'islamic scripture = bad' until you learn arabic
I'm a Muslim myself, nigger
no, these are well-thought-out choices actually
Why live in Germany?
>Jew Jork Shitty
>Nuevo Tijuana
No, it isn't
The Mormon Church banned polygamy centuries ago.
>Indoctrinating children into insane religious beliefs
This applies to EVERY religion without exceptions.
*without exception.
using childish names doesn't change anything
>The Mormon Church banned polygamy centuries ago.
Mormonism itself is less than 200 years old. Polygamy was only banned because Utah couldn't get admitted to the United States where bigamy was a crime.
Childish names are only fitting for your childish choices, foreigner.
i want to live in USA (in particularly Georgia)
It was banned in the 1800s, so well over a hundred years ago.
>german flag
checks out
I want to live in Montana
I'm in Michigan. Plenty of arabs here. Not sure how I feel about this state, I only moved here 3 months ago from Ohio. The infrastructure near the Detroit region is shit but I haven't been elsewhere in the state.
If I were to live in the USA it'd be in New England but that shit is too expensive for a random fag to immigrate to
I want to live in chicago and do drill music