There's a fucking rat in my roof. I hear him walking around and scratching walls at night

There's a fucking rat in my roof. I hear him walking around and scratching walls at night.

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no, he is just a french citizen and you live in a flat

he's coming for your roquefort

Teach him to cook or something

Gotta make some Ratatouille

Why haven't you killed it?

funniest thread imao

I don't know how to.

Don't worry, maybe its not a rat and just schizophrenia

it is tinnitus

won't even bother to check even if I known that it's there for awhile now

It might go away eventually. Play some loud music, preferably 6ix9ine.

it will, it will. soon

There's never just one rat.

they swap from place to place or several at the same local?

Wave your white flag at him

give him access to your kitchen he'll cook ratatouille for you


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Maybe it's just a hidden jew, you should call the gestapo so they take a look.

why would you wave a white flag to a rat when you are just living your life as usual and unhindered by it's presence..? wow