Why does the American left hate Bolsonaro so much just because he wants to give Brazilians legal guns?

Why does the American left hate Bolsonaro so much just because he wants to give Brazilians legal guns?

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Gun legalization has absolutely nothing to do with why he's a piece of shit. You're an idiot.

They hate him because he's right wing and a zionist

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But that's all our media talks about, or how he's anti woman

those racists don't want brazil to be the first first world latin nation

I support Bolsonaro, but I'm really considering that giving guns to Brazilians may not be that good of an idea. Or, perhaps, it is. A rise in killings/murders for a few years due to people killing thugs, then a slow steady decline.

That's one way to put it, the other way it could go is that Brazilians just go ceudad de deus on everyone and shit hits the fan really bad, really fast.

Because the american left is retarded. It's the party of bankers and industrialists, in no way different than the right american.
They are afraid that the workers will start a mass genocide agains't the bourgeoisie.

Any path that goes against "progress," Is lamented.

Let's see how that work out for them. The right is so stupid it hurts.

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As it should be.

Leftists hate freedom.
Other news at eleven.

Nobody fucking gives a shit you amerifat stop being so obsessed about the left

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*destroys the amazon*

How can he be anti half of the population and still win?

100% because of the gay stuff

Because they didn't vote probably
It's a bad idea I'd they have a serious crime problem with openly armed thugs . Didn't he say he wants to let police shoot them openly without fear of being persecuted ?
Might want to delay letting civilians have more guns untill the armed crime problem is more under control.

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Criminals already have guns, this isn't going to get worse. If normal people have guns they will be able to defend themselves.

Most americans don't know who he is. You are thinking of Jow Forums

but what about the average favelado or a poor fag who is not a traficante. just some violent dumb fuck who can get a hold of guns easily just like here. not good.

you imbeciles speaks as if the cops got radars in their assholes to tell who is a criminal and who isnt, if a cop stop you and see you got a gun too he will shoot you

My point was to avoid having cops gun down citizens because they happened to see someone guy carrying his gun from his car to his house.
Gun ownership works if you have American levels of armed gangs not if you have Brazil levels , and even in USA cops shoot armed and unarmed civilians all the time

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this. fuck jews.

fuck off nigger lover

do americans even know who he is? i seriously doubt it

I don't get it.
Duterte's wife is a Jew but he isn't a zionist cocksucker.
Probably because he slaps her woman to submission.

>How can he be anti half of the population and still win?
American style democracy



hahahahah they're so fucking mad

first of all that's not why he's hated, but also the left wants to arm the populace.

He is a zionist

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