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Maybe she is really can

>tfw it's now politically correct to hate women

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jews are the true heroes
introducing this poison into society helped facilitate the destruction

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wtf i hate women now

Is that why everything is so overengineered and overpriced?

This is why China will win


Fuck White People
Fuck White Nationalists
Fuck White Supremacists
Fuck White Apologists
Fuck White Men
Fuck Racists
Fuck Sexists
Fuck Bigots
Fuck Nazis
Fuck Fascists
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Libertarians
Fuck Conservatives
Fuck Right-Wingers
Fuck Christians
Fuck Jow Forums
Fuck T_D
Fuck Incels
Fuck Alt-Righters
Fuck Alex Jones
Fuck Ben Shapiro
Fuck Milo Yannapolis
Fuck Steven Crowder
Fuck Trump Loyalists
Fuck Donald Trump

*sound of a woke feminist dronebombing an Afghan wedding in the background*

>Fuck Libertarians
Hey, libtard
But was it lesbian wedding?

Nothing wrong with Libertarians and Christians who don't pervert the Bible for their own purposes

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Thats why american weapon is such a disfunctional shit nowadays. Even Russia with 15x smaller defence budget has technologically superior air defence systems and rockets

If the wedding got dronebombed they must have deserved it

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Russia is smart and full of genius

Okay war you next week.

I still cant understand how come the USA is the biggest exporter of weapon. Maybe most purchases are being justified by politics? These idiots from Poland who decided to spend 10 bln dollar on fkn ancient and technologically backward Patriot system that was proved disfunctional so many times lately will be hung on trees someday

Many cunts think if they bought american weapon, then US will defend them.

>Many cunts think if they bought american weapon, then US will defend them.


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Sure, now they are not so sure.

The most important thing is if you buy American weapon, you get free pass to do what you want and still be considered as a "good boy" by America.
Most recent example is Saudi Arabia.

And I thought blomf and pooh would be the ones starting wwiii, it turns a bunch of hormonal and menopausic women will be the ones to do it

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>Cheering blatant warmongering
Pathetic Peelander

>that reference scale at bottom left
>100 kilometers, or an entire day of travel by foot, is only that small line
>that border alone is like 12 times the size of it
>it's actually a smaller border hardly seen on a bigger map
DAMN BOY WE THICC. Also I'm reminded the Earth is actually fuckhuge in terms of landmass, how come we've shit all over it so quickly.

Wasn't defending it, just posted it because it was funny

These idiots know perfectly that their main defence system used by US Army (Patriot) is pretty much useless shit in comparison with S-400 thats why they are rushing now to develop smth that would actually give a shadow of chance of working. Our government probably doesnt pay so much for non-working Patriot, but for this new C4I system and ability to plug'n'play with future murrican air defences based on hypersonic projectiles and laser.

WASHINGTON — The Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) has passed another communication system test, with the next step being to measure how the equipment responds to various environmental conditions and terrains. This will be welcomed news by Poland, who signed the firstprocurement deal for IBCSand four patriot firing units in March.


The Army’s embattled missile defense network,IBCS, passed a major field test at Yuma Proving Ground in October, contractorNorthrop Grummanannounced today. In stark contrast tochronic software crashes early on, the command-and-control system accurately tracked everything from drones to helicopters to fighter jets, both Army aircraft and Marine ones. (It’s hitballistic and cruise missilesin earlier tests). It drew data from Patriot and Sentinel radars that were not designed to work together. And it kept doing this for days all this despiteactive jamming by a live adversary, the kind of challenge Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley fearsexisting Army networks may not survivein a high-tech conflict withRussia or China.


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Probs are the S-300/400 is a bluff /knock-off in it's own accord. It literally never performed yet, despite the fact Puitn would benefit immensely from a successful demonstration against a high-end Western jet and there were some opportunities in Syria to do that without causing WW3. I'm actually surprised how seriously the system is still taken worldwide in light of that.

what is wrong about this?

I don't know,but those two russians are going full autism about it

>The military-industrial complex is run by women (and that's a good thing)

How is this not hilarious?

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Vagina shouldnt be CEO of defence corporation. A retired general (MALE) would be an ideal one

Do we have a world peace now?
Roasties BTFO

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>A retired general (MALE) would be an ideal one

no. a private corporation should be managed by someone who knows about bussines.

after all, the ceo only has to focus in making money.

why should i care about a book written thousands of years ago in the middle east?

And yet MSNBC will still claim women are horribly oppressed and muh wage gap, fuck men especially white men.

USA is not as degenerate yet to make defence secretary out of a woman, meanwhile in DISARMED Western Europe, a vagina being a defence minister is a normal thing. Ideal candidate for defence minister is a former military man, preferably such man who has a huge experience in killing people. Trumps administration is full of military men and military intelligence men and thats how it should be in normal and healthy empire.

you are right about that, but deffense contractors are just huge capitalist corporations, so it's ok if they hire a woman who is good at bussines.

after all, they are the same than any other private corporation (like coca cola, general motors, google, etc), they sell something in order to get money in exchange.

And all of a sudden vaginas proved to be so good at weapon selling in all major American defence corporations. No single man could handle this job? Sounds like bullshit. I personally would never buy a weapon from a woman.

The future is female and it's bloodier than the patriarchy imagine my shock

yasssss kween bomb those weddings and school buses in yemen



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If a country puts a woman on position of defence minister, such a country sends a diplomatic signal to its potential opponents that it doesnt have a will to defend itself. Women dont have this key thing that is needed to be aggressive and go to war: testosterone. They are natural born pacifists.

The internal contradictions of "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" liberal capitalism. Efforts by capital to thread the needle between left-wing perspectives on social policy but right-wing orthodoxy on fiscal and foreign policy create jarring, contradictory juxtapositions like the one in the article.

>Goldman Sachs flying the transgender flag outside their London offices
>Lockheed Martin sponsoring pride parades with fighter jets that have rainbow flags on their wings
>asset manager companies commissioning statues celebrating female empowerment, as they get sued by female employees for sexual harassment
The companies endorse shallow tokenism to make them seem socially conscious is ways that are meant to hide or excuse the abuses these companies commit.

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>brave, we can do anything men can!!!
>meanwhile 3000 km to the east
>piles and piles of dead women and children
>the price of gender equality

>The companies endorse shallow tokenism to make them seem socially conscious is ways that are meant to hide or excuse the abuses these companies commit.

Problem is it works so well and all that's needed id tokenism; or something as perverse and ridiculous as a rainbow flag on a fighter jet to appease the people who care about such nonsense.

Aren't the far left proggressive fags like 8% of the West?
Why do they pander to this extreme and weak minority so much?
There must be something else here, the rich are desperately trying to increase the 8% by a law of fake conformity.

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progressive wing is very small. Not sure where those specific numbers came from, I've never seen anything like it before.

Issue is that the progressive types are the loudest in the left wing in the US and get lots of lip service, such as rainbow flags on fighter jets.

There's still a huge, huge gap between them and the hillary wing of the democrats though; it will be very interesting to watch the 2020 democrat primaries because there's a very real possibility of democrat civil war between the two wings.

This will be even more crazy than normal because they so badly want to beat trump.

The only correct course of action is to LOVE the MICkey Mouse and HATE the dicked louse

I can't believe this is literally the reason given to keep women out of politics.