Tfw it's been 4 years since moot left

>tfw it's been 4 years since moot left

Attached: moot.jpg (330x330, 32K)


It's not been that long, is it? How fucking long have I been here?

Attached: srhsrdt.png (610x704, 658K)

wrong picture

Attached: 5oBZLyRPMH8mps9gzIme8jpoBrT.jpg (300x450, 20K)

U mean a debate?

You might have mistaken, he has nothing to do with 4channel.

Attached: Raise_Your_Glass_HD_Sticky.png (3000x3000, 1.45M)

i miss him bros

Attached: chris.png (1024x1024, 153K)

Jow Forums is run by proxies , moot calls the shots

Attached: _moot-i-wish-to-be-the-little-girl-971513.png (500x689, 205K)

>im closer to 30 yo than 15 yo

Attached: 1541019808389.jpg (580x548, 34K)

>tfw closer to 40 than 18

It will happen fast.

Attached: EFC3FBB8-3C6C-46FA-A02E-F4C49685FEFB.jpg (618x618, 88K)

He well when he took over from chris '4' chan


We all miss him, but he'll have a better future at Facebook.

What is he doing anyway? Can’t find any info

I for one will welcome the slavmoot with open arms

Wait what the fuck

>1/3 of my expected life already has passed

Attached: 1460310129851.jpg (400x388, 19K)

Literally nothing. The Google execs sometimes hire "interesting" people, they collect them like trophies just to have them around. He probably doesn't get paid all that much but he doesn't have to do anything

So he's working at Google?

"""working""", yes

RIP luggage lad

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