/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico

MEME edition

Attached: meme.jpg (720x478, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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love this meme..


are characters dressed like native american racist?

Attached: 4.jpg (427x604, 71K)

>filtering the one faggot that is responsible for 90% of literal spam is autism
fuck off proxy faggot

is sor juana the greatest woman that has ever lived or whar

Attached: 1541356229823.jpg (774x1024, 217K)

>tfw no gf

Gonna force the bf to see a shrink against his will so he can accept his gender dysphoria

fuck outta here you hotpocket slut

Anime western/native aesthetics are top tier

Attached: 1532120829518.jpg (744x1052, 398K)

>people literally OBSESS over me

Attached: 1528635507849.jpg (250x226, 6K)

>>tfw no gf

Attached: meme_fedora.jpg (720x478, 39K)

It’s autism. Plain and simple. You can cry all you want but you’re still autistic for filtering on Jow Forums.

guess my age
winner gets 5 btc

Stay mad proxy fag

ok you made me laugh

Which are worse in LA, mexicans or armenians?

I find it interesting when you point out sven isn't swedish, that tons of randoms show up to defend him.

Hi CIA, still wasting your life, bud?


Attached: 790c31e8e5a7070f92a133f8d46222f6.jpg (493x600, 79K)

What do you mean by proxy? Why would I have a proxy?

in MY opinion anyone who larps hard enough to learn another countrys language and culture has the right to be treated like a native


not worth the effort

>ok you made me laugh

Attached: meme_fedora_vape.jpg (720x478, 176K)

Bet the razor blade posting schizo is behind this post

this is a reaction image meme i took from a video

Attached: face11.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

I’m literally one guy

email is [email protected]

wypipo should dress like native americans more often 2bh

Attached: 1762950.jpg (600x744, 404K)

Why does this general speed up and slow down so randomly?

CIA gassed himself for being such a cuck

Attached: 1493707597611.png (650x650, 21K)

>tfw no gf

settle down there Elizabeth Warren


>>tfw no gf

Attached: meme_madness.jpg (720x478, 142K)

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cause the old /cum/ discord kids show up when they're bored of circlejerking

a girl sent me this

I cannot wait for her to get btfo come election time and we get another round of "it was her turn" memes

please gib american gf

worst posters desu


Attached: meme_ENHANCED.jpg (1118x734, 46K)

I think a movie is being made about this

Attached: i saved this ironically.png (500x499, 316K)

I don't think she's gonna get the dem nomination, or even come close.

Gonna be interesting though, there's still a huge divide between progressives and the clinton side of the dem party

Attached: gentleman.jpg (1161x869, 334K)

Discord was a mistake
why does captcha want chimney pictures

best threads on /wsg/

unironically agree

this is a /nativeaesthetic/ thread now

Attached: 53c167e1105699ad163b737311608d9a.jpg (540x720, 111K)

why can't i have one



Attached: 1520831883287.jpg (500x281, 17K)

ur point?

dont know

When you realize the answer to that question you will be ready for gf

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Attached: 1e90amar9m.png (294x244, 101K)

my best friend stopped talking to me after I quit fortnite

a fresh take on an old meme

Attached: meme_donald.jpg (720x478, 150K)

>comfy music
>Europeans arrive
>suddenly, heavy wardrums

FUCK, i had an epic star wars webm, must´ve accidentally deleted it

Swedish faggot

guess i'll never be ready

yo watup

>star wars

has a meme ever gotten so big and then got forgotten as fast as dat boi

Attached: 1462610578043.jpg (559x712, 69K)

this webm makes me feel things i dont understand. its like happiness and sadness at the same time

Attached: 1520229350194.jpg (645x773, 87K)


going to post the only webm with sound that I have in that thread right now

>elliot rogers

what is your current feeling

nostalgia. i think


"""Swede""" > """Dane""" > fk


cried a bit from homesickness

pretty content
a little sleepy

Sadness, contempt and a little bit of anger

dane is my wife i'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about her like that ok

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Boring desu

Attached: 1539157008522.jpg (450x677, 86K)

happy i guess


finally home, buds

OFFICIAL thread theme


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bitch niggas

Attached: 1538452469560.png (723x1023, 1.09M)


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comfy desu, had a small gyro and watched the newest fateshit and the heater is actually working again

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disappointed in myself a little bit



can relate

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Can I post here?


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I have a good credit score


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>ambush straight into eviscerate
alright you fucking shitter

Did you know that ale was a brony?? lmao