MEME edition
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
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love this meme..
are characters dressed like native american racist?
>filtering the one faggot that is responsible for 90% of literal spam is autism
fuck off proxy faggot
is sor juana the greatest woman that has ever lived or whar
>tfw no gf
Gonna force the bf to see a shrink against his will so he can accept his gender dysphoria
fuck outta here you hotpocket slut
Anime western/native aesthetics are top tier
>people literally OBSESS over me
>>tfw no gf
It’s autism. Plain and simple. You can cry all you want but you’re still autistic for filtering on Jow Forums.
guess my age
winner gets 5 btc
Stay mad proxy fag
ok you made me laugh
Which are worse in LA, mexicans or armenians?
I find it interesting when you point out sven isn't swedish, that tons of randoms show up to defend him.
Hi CIA, still wasting your life, bud?
What do you mean by proxy? Why would I have a proxy?
in MY opinion anyone who larps hard enough to learn another countrys language and culture has the right to be treated like a native
not worth the effort
>ok you made me laugh
Bet the razor blade posting schizo is behind this post
this is a reaction image meme i took from a video
I’m literally one guy
email is [email protected]
wypipo should dress like native americans more often 2bh
Why does this general speed up and slow down so randomly?
CIA gassed himself for being such a cuck
>tfw no gf
settle down there Elizabeth Warren
>>tfw no gf
cause the old /cum/ discord kids show up when they're bored of circlejerking
a girl sent me this
I cannot wait for her to get btfo come election time and we get another round of "it was her turn" memes
please gib american gf
worst posters desu
I think a movie is being made about this
I don't think she's gonna get the dem nomination, or even come close.
Gonna be interesting though, there's still a huge divide between progressives and the clinton side of the dem party
Discord was a mistake
why does captcha want chimney pictures
best threads on /wsg/
unironically agree
this is a /nativeaesthetic/ thread now
why can't i have one
ur point?
dont know
When you realize the answer to that question you will be ready for gf
my best friend stopped talking to me after I quit fortnite
a fresh take on an old meme
>comfy music
>Europeans arrive
>suddenly, heavy wardrums
FUCK, i had an epic star wars webm, must´ve accidentally deleted it
Swedish faggot
guess i'll never be ready
yo watup
>star wars
has a meme ever gotten so big and then got forgotten as fast as dat boi
this webm makes me feel things i dont understand. its like happiness and sadness at the same time
going to post the only webm with sound that I have in that thread right now
>elliot rogers
what is your current feeling
nostalgia. i think
"""Swede""" > """Dane""" > fk
cried a bit from homesickness
pretty content
a little sleepy
Sadness, contempt and a little bit of anger
dane is my wife i'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about her like that ok
Boring desu
happy i guess
bitch niggas
comfy desu, had a small gyro and watched the newest fateshit and the heater is actually working again
disappointed in myself a little bit
can relate
Can I post here?
I have a good credit score
>ambush straight into eviscerate
alright you fucking shitter
Did you know that ale was a brony?? lmao