move to Philadelphia or Los Angeles?
Would you rather
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Hold on, let me check the demographics of those cities.
Okay, I'm back. I pick Los Angeles.
Wander in the wrong neighborhood in either one and you'll get shot.
LA for sure. West Coast best coast. I'd live in Philly if I had to, though, or got a great job there. You retards who meme about getting shot are pussies and have no life experience.
>city founded by Quakers
>city founded by Mexicans
I kill myself at the airport gate
I've been to Philly but never to LA.
I think I would choose LA.
>You retards who meme about getting shot are pussies and have no life experience.
Just part and parcel of living in America.
I'm not saying that the crimes don't happen. The point is that it's mostly avoidable if you can afford a non-shit neighborhood and have the slightest amount of street smarts.
Right. Just part and parcel.
Street smarts are required for every large city, not just American ones.
From socal.
Would choose Philly if money needs to be considered.
If wealthy I'd choose LA.
Philly imo is in a better location being in between NYC and DC, close enough to Boston and Toronto, and cheap+quick non-stop flights to Florida.
Growing up in socal I hardly traveled the US, only the southwest twice in my life before I became an adult and moved out.
It's a good thing there's a lot to do in socal because it's a very isolated place. Perhaps I'm just a bit jealous east coasters have more travel options.
Exactly, it's part and parcel of life in America.
it's part and parcel of life everywhere you asshat
Right, part and parcel of life in America.
los angeles
Alright, so let me get this straight. Overall if you're wealthy, Los Angeles is the better city, if you're middle-class, Philly is the better city. Would this be accurate?
Both are shit but LA at least isn't cold.
Philly is a solid "alright", LA is a complete shithole
I'm middle class and I'd choose LA for sure but that's just personal preference
>you'll get shot
>actually believing this
Anyway, Los Angeles.
I am a classy man. So Philly it is.
I would pick LA mostly because you can go to the beach, go skiing, or hiking (mountains or desert) within a few hours drive.
LA. can't stand the cold
Philly, no contest
LA is appealing until you visit
L.A. in a heartbeat. I love that city
You have been there?
then what do you love about it?
night aesthetics, Chicano influence, glitz & glamour, the hills
Then you should visit it as a tourists, never live there so it doesn't ruin your paris syndrome.
I'd say the opposite, visiting as a tourist would make you hate LA, but the longer you live there the more likely you are to grow to like it, a lot of LA's charms take some time/knowledge to find.
This is true of most places to be fair. Especially in the US.
If I don't get a major windfall of a couple of millions, I don't plan on moving to LA. It would be pointless as a poor person
Who do people in the U.S. seem to hate Los Angeles (and California in general) so much?
Probably but LA is strange compared to a lot of major cities. There are tons of hidden treasures that are not well advertised, while other cities that are more tourist friendly (D.C., NY) are more obvious in what they have to offer and are easier to navigate. Also, you need to be able to drive and drive well in LA traffic, which is also not true for other major cities where a lot of the excitement/tourism stuff is in the downtown area, which is distinctly not true for LA.
I live in Los Angeles, in Hollywood, actually, this place is a shit hole. I was born and raised here. Most others hate us because most are entitled faggots.
Thread theme:
Stereotyped as really leftist/progressive (which is odd as I think that doesn't apply to Southern CA as much as people like to think it does) plus all the negative stereotypes of people from major cities. A lot of the hate is a pretty recent meme, it used to be NY that people ripped apart for forever, I almost think that changed after 9/11.
imagine the smell
>Chicano influence
why would you like this?
why wouldn't you?
I kind of like that whole cholo aesthetic
cringe wh*Toid
I'd kill myself if i ever had to go back to Philthy ever again.
LA is cancer but Philthy is on a whole other level of bad.