How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Attached: Indonesia.webm (400x400, 1.35M)

I didn't

on a plane back from australia

The parents need a bullet each

What a waste

>First thoughts for any hardship is shooting things

i didnt

Is this Indonesian tradition?

nobody remembered it so i didn't
i wish i had friends or a family that cared about me

A friend of mine came to my house with his gf (tfw) and we ordered pizza and drank some beers.

Alone. Ate a hamburger and that's it.

I forgot about it

I walked around downtown Portland and ate Chinese food, then ate a cake that I baked (it was pretty good).

Drank some gin and tonics and watched Full Metal Jacket because that actor had died recently.


I didn't not for years now. Most of the people I know don't even know when my birthday is.
I guess I just feel like birthdays are for kids and really old people, and celebrating them as an adult seems kind of awkward. For kids it's obvious, for old folks it's celebrating another year not dying, but what's it supposed to mean for the ones in-between?

A girl I'm infatuated with but only likes me as a friend ate a cup of ice cream with me. I saved the candle she brought like a retard

I celebrated mine in a Psych ward. I told my parents not to arrive at the fucking hospital & they arrived with a fucking cake.

>t. c*ntnadian
Did they teach you such cunty snark in your high school feminism class?

gf tried breaking up with me because she was depressed
we broke up 2 months later anyway

I didn't

this, I suspect benzos were involved.

Went out clubbing

imagine if they then encased in the forest him in a hole and let bees and ants devore him ahahahah

>How do you celebrate your last birthday?
how will I know that it is truly my last?
From now on I will celebrate every birthday as if there were none to follow...

going out with friends and family and having a couple of drinks
that's how i celebrate all by birthdays

I became 23 in October. I didn't leave my room. My mother gave me a £10 scarf from ASOS as a present. I didn't receive any messages saying happy birthday from anyone in my life other than her.

I received 1 message from my best (and only irl) friend (female). But it's simply because of my nature. I'm introverted as fuck and it is not only hard for me to make friends but I also don't really have a strong desire to. Lots of social interaction drains me and even more so since I became redpilled.

Leave your room and get a life you sad cunt

i feel this

Did you dance there in traditional Abbo costume?

By asking for a shift at work so I have an excuse not to