Tricolor flags are so fucking boring

tricolor flags are so fucking boring
and so fucking boring
and boring
fuck you

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As if a single star is the most fucking creative flag

based and flagpilled

t.evil somalia

flags are boring in general

tri colors are superior

incredible post

seething flaglets

>me made of multiple countries so me make their flags overlap

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg (454x550, 32K)

Saints GAP good flag

Stop making fun of my flag!

We have the oldest tricolor in use. So we are original.

Don't listen to them, you have such a qt flag we even stole it.

Only a dumb nigger needs tons of flashy colors and emblems to be dazzled and fascinated. Are you a nigger?

If your flag consists of the colours red, white and blue your country was founded by uncreative faggots

ugliest flag in existence

>stole the flag of fucking belgium

Where does your country find the audacity to take our flag and stitch a pineapple on it.

your flag is very ugly
but german empire flag is good


yes Germany should change their flag

We smoked some dank weeds in your country and were like dude pineaple lmao xddddd

Yes to a red background, a white circle in the middle and in that white circle a black sun wheel

Post /aesthetic/ flags. No tricolors allowed.

Attached: va-flag.jpg (728x425, 20K)