Attached: i.imgur.com_7Ld1rsu.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)

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translate please :c

hangul looks aesthetic and cool

Hanja looks better desu

Attached: ZWn5Eqt.png (581x443, 128K)

Jap should apologize for low-flight

That picture was made of these pictures

Korean combatant ship

Kawasaki P-1


>216 名前:名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) [US][] 投稿日:2019/01/04(金) 14:35:34.15 ID:P8iWdpnJ0 [2/4]
>291 名前:名無しさん@涙目です。(東京都) [GB][] 投稿日:2019/01/04(金) 14:39:00.48 ID:oaWhL4dp0

Korean should apologize for the composite photograph ()

Korean should apologize for the composite face

gook navy btfo lol!

Attached: blockbuster.jpg (1000x863, 168K)

What does this image say?

It’s composed picture and it’s surprisingly showed by korean lir gorvenment!!!!
Video is already in YouTube

Something about Japan and apples. Because those are the two Korean words I know.

The age of the samurai....... is no more..................................................................................

>composite face

Attached: 7440A394-C908-4BAB-B6D0-7B0DC583FAFF.gif (360x360, 3.19M)

I’m pretty sure a Japanese plane would be shot down by anybody before it was able to get this close in fear of it being a kamikaze attack

Quick rundown pls

You have to go back.

Korean gorvenment showed composed picture to make huge lieing as like japan air plane fry low

Shame on you korea

A Republic of Korea naval vessel directed its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft, while in the border of Japanese EEZ sea territory. This is one of the videos showing Korean international law violations. Here is the video of it:

Firstly korean ship and noth korean ship was founded in the border of Japanese sea territory.

Japan: Korean Destroyer locked targeting radar on Japanese Patrol airplane.
Korea: Please don't announce it officialy.
Japan: We refuse.
Korea: We didn't use targeting radar.
Japan: We have evidence.
Korea: We were performing rotine operation.
Japan: It's aginst the international rule.
Korea: We were serching for North Korean wrecked ship.
Japan: It was completely different from serching radar. and the wrecked ship was in the air?
Korea: We used radar but it wasn't FCS.
Japan: It was FCS absolutely.
Korea: As we get terrible weather, we used the all radar we have.
Japan: It was clear and quiet.
Korea: Japan airplane came into the FCS only for a moment.
Japan: It was 5 minutes.
Korea: Japanese airplane threatened us.
Japan: We just patroled our territory.
Korea: Don't blame us for minor things. Abe administration is trying to use Anti-Korea sentiment for his favour.
Japan: Why did you igonre our radio communication.
Korea: Radio comunication didn't work well.
Japan: Just in case, we used 3 radio frequencies.
Korea: If you keep blaming us, show us the evidence.
Japan: OK, then.
Korea: we know it wouldn’t prove anything.
===Japan released a footage===
Korea:We must announce our deep concern and regret that Japan released a footage with a one-sided claim.radar


It could be argued that Korean troops did war acts on the Japanese Self Defense Forces! South Korea is already enemy based on the military act.

Attached: B8A488A2-B1E8-4173-AEBC-4655250C2866.jpg (750x982, 178K)

apple could also mean apologize. they are homophones

Korean gorvenment showed composed picture to make huge lieing as like japan air plane fry low

Shame on you korea

A Republic of Korea naval vessel directed its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft, while in the border of Japanese EEZ sea territory. This is one of the videos showing Korean international law violations. Here is the video of it:
m.youtube.com/watch?v=s93-l [Open]

Firstly korean ship and noth korean ship was founded in the border of Japanese sea territory.

Japan: Korean Destroyer locked targeting radar on Japanese Patrol airplane.
Korea: Please don't announce it officialy.
Japan: We refuse.
Korea: We didn't use targeting radar.
Japan: We have evidence.
Korea: We were performing rotine operation.
Japan: It's aginst the international rule.
Korea: We were serching for North Korean wrecked ship.
Japan: It was completely different from serching radar. and the wrecked ship was in the air?
Korea: We used radar but it wasn't FCS.
Japan: It was FCS absolutely.
Korea: As we get terrible weather, we used the all radar we have.
Japan: It was clear and quiet.
Korea: Japan airplane came into the FCS only for a moment.
Japan: It was 5 minutes.
Korea: Japanese airplane threatened us.
Japan: We just patroled our territory.
Korea: Don't blame us for minor things. Abe administration is trying to use Anti-Korea sentiment for his favour.
Japan: Why did you igonre our radio communication.
Korea: Radio comunication didn't work well.
Japan: Just in case, we used 3 radio frequencies.
Korea: If you keep blaming us, show us the evidence.
Japan: OK, then.
Korea: we know it wouldn’t prove anything.
===Japan released a footage===
Korea:We must announce our deep concern and regret that Japan released a footage with a one-sided claim.radar


It could be argued that Korean troops did war acts on the Japanese Self Defense Forces! South Korea is already enemy based on the military act.

I don't watch TV

Dude, you need to chill

The point of my comment is to show that Korea is obviously lying with the composite picture


Koreans are liars.


Attached: ik2LjdT.jpg (480x360, 45K)

What does he need an ashtray for? They're in the middle of a field.

Attached: 02H2CPU.jpg (1050x1800, 308K)


Jesus christ, Korea is made of lying assholes.


Korea is a country of falling apart but everyone goes together only when lying.

Attached: 1546583282061.png (722x606, 615K)

Attached: 1546583820355.jpg (680x840, 179K)

Attached: 1546583938429.jpg (720x482, 309K)

Attached: 1B6cGkS.jpg (1242x554, 176K)

Attached: 1546584580795.jpg (1844x888, 144K)

There are no weak points in Koreans who have made worldwide recognition that "korean wartime prostitutes are sex slaves".
In the field of lies and fabrics, Japan can not win Korea forever.

● The center of the Korean government is in a state of being hijacked by forces favored by North Korea.

● North Korea is sanctioned by the US president Trump and it is difficult to obtain precision parts necessary for nuclear development.

● The Korean government attempted to rescue North Korea's drifting ship using a warship and tried to send parts for nuclear development to a ship of North Korea.

● Since it is just before Christmas, the vigilance of the US military is loose. Aiming at this timing, "nuclear parts transport operation" was decided.

● Since the discovery of transportation operations is absolutely unacceptable, South Korea was desperate to relinquish radar irradiation against Japanese patrol aircraft patrolling, and to drive away.

Korean people thinking circuit, character

For Koreans the truth is nothing to do.
How can they defeat their enemies by lying and deceiving, this is the only thought.

They think that they'll win if they listen to lies to their surrounding people, increase their own side, and isolate enemies.

Again, the truth to Koreans does not matter. Rather, they are very afraid of being exposed to the truth.
They tell a lie again and again forever to prevent it.
It 'll never stop .

The South Korean military, at this moment, could take over Japan within days, and murder every Jap """"man"""" there is. Japanese dogs need to learn their place, and stop complaining. You have no military, you are a state of weaklings and women, meanwhile South Korea has one of the biggest standing armies in the world

What did you learn?
It is no use doubting if you do not know anything because there is no news in Serbia.

coming soon.

Attached: index_2-54.jpg (679x960, 374K)

japan will fall
as korean bvlls join the army, japanese """men""" stay at home and watch anime and fap to their waifus
japan never had a chance against korea
american cocksuckers.

Korea dug its big grave deeply!
Moreover the Korean government is the embarrassed movie which does intellectual property right ignoring!

Japan will apologise once Korea apologises for Kpop

English version
[ROK MND Official] Urging Japan to Apologize for Patrol Operations in the Rescue Operations Area