1. Your cunt
2. Opinion on Varg
1. Your cunt
2. Opinion on Varg
was based but now is cringe boomer
Sounds like a nativist WHG larper in spite of probably have less than WHG admixture. Heck he likely has a higher Anatolian farmoid admixture than the WHG admixture.
Verdict: He is mentally insane.
His music is great. Him being a walking meme isn’t
crazy, but funny (in both ways) and entertaining
el reino de españa
dumb retard, cringe fanbase, made some good music though
1. Br
2. I'm always thinking about his lessons, he's based
Death metal music was a mistake.
Literally cringe larpers who scream on a microphone and make degenerate music. Don't get the appeal
>death metal
y i k e s