How are Otakus actually treated in Japan?
Is being an otaku disgraceful?
How are Otakus actually treated in Japan?
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>How are Otakus actually treated in Japan?
Just like how they are treated in the West: nerds that deserve to get beaten up
>Is being an otaku disgraceful?
Does any1 know of a good guide for specing Honkai Impact 3?
otakus are only into their "stuff" not actual important things we all need to do in life
/ thread
fuck kimoota
>Just like how they are treated in the West: nerds that deserve to get beaten up
Maybe back in the 80s. Nowadays nerd culture is huge in the west, whereas in Japan otakus are still shunned.
What does that even mean ?
Niggas better pay their taxes and contribute. Don't care what they do in their basement
The Governor of Tokyo cosplayed as Yumeno Sally like a year ago
Not all anime falls into the category of "otaku anime", just like how in the west there's a distinction between Disney animated movies and shows like Rick and Morty or Venture Bros. However it would still be more acceptable for a westerner to admit to liking the later in public than for a Jap to admit to liking Lucky Star or Eromanga Sensei.
>Eromanga Sensei
t.i want to fuck kids
Taro Aso deliberately got himself photographed reading Rozen Maiden
I haven't even watched it you retarded Gypo, I was just using it as an example.
Source on photo?
Let me tell you about your culture
Real nerds are now the guys who post in Jow Forums and other imageboards. If you don't have problems socializing with people you're not a real nerd
I just wanted to be cute
My mistake; he only had himself seen reading Rozen Maiden. Here he is with a GirlPan Blu-Ray though
Nerd doesn't automatically equate to outcast though. 4channers, especially the modern Jow Forums incarnation, are hardly nerds in the traditional sense, however they're more of an outcast group than someone who enjoys capeshit or watches cartoons aimed at children.
Sorry fren
I think they are trying to get young people to vote them.
If you mean "person who knows a lot more than others about something" than Jow Forums doesn't qualify, but if you mean "unwashed, obnoxious sperglord" than of course it does.
>If you mean "person who knows a lot more than others about something" than Jow Forums doesn't qualify, but if you mean "unwashed, obnoxious sperglord" than of course it does.
Generally both can apply, but the point is I doubt that most modern Jow Forums users would identify as "nerd", probably less so than even reddit or tumblr.
>nerd culture
A bunch of normies that like star wars and lotr movies aren't nerds imo. To be a nerd you at least need an autistic obsession with something.
this, just how hard can it be to some
no one cares nor needs to know
>Eromanga Sensei
If I liked Oreimo, would I like Eromanaga Sensei?
>nerd culture
more like watching cape shit and playing any popular video game, piss off
There aren't any of those here either. /a/ doesn't read manga, /classical/ doesn't watch opera, /his/ doesn't read history, /v/ only talks about popular games and they aren't good at them either. There are only a few boards that qualify like /m/ and they're all really slow
Dunno, I haven't seen either. I mostly stick to /m/ shit from the 80s.
Funky. Sounds like it could be an ED for something.
Jackie chan has a good voice and is very versatile. My desu
In Osaka right now and the only anime related things I’ve found have been like 3 Love Live posters.
Where is it all?
Apologize for that abomination, Japan. Then apologize for not making an Idolmaster PC port
Generally Disgraceful.
But if you have other hobbies and treat the otaku-ish stuffs as one of them, then there seem to be no problems, I think.
Not being autistic is also an important key.
So liking "those kind of stuffs" directly does not mean you are a loser guy, hence we are easily able to have a GF or get married with, which I think is impossible in other cultures.
People would treat you like shit for liking anime if they knew it was shit for pedophiles and homos, but they don't. Maybe in Japan they do know that and treat anime fans appropriately
Isn't there a massive anime district in Tokyo? Check there maybe
Also do people in Osaka really talk like niggers?
I think "nerd/geek/fan/hobbyist" are an incomplete translation of "otaku" in Japanese, "オタク" always have a despective connotation when used in Japan.
More or less think of "ultras" or "tifosi" or "hooligans" when people talk about "football fans", except that the distinction being made between a regular anime/manga/special effects fan and otaku is the loss of social interaction and difficulty with interpersonal relationships
That’s a stereotype but I can’t notice it because I’m a gaijin. I just use simple phrases to get by; I’ll use “gochitso sama” next.
I saw a faggot watching anime on his phone at the airport the otherday.
another trait of otaku is that they do have deep and distinctive knowledge of their hobby, and when they do engage in communication (either in real life or not) with other people is only to talk about the hobby itself, never about their private life or whatever
There's no difference. It's just the weak failures that have nothing else so they make it their identity and claim to be distinct from others.
You're both fucking pathetic.
The anime district in Osaka is Nipponbashi Denden Town. It's pretty much like Tokyo's Akihabara.
Kansai dialect definitely sounds a bit more crude and lower class than the normal Tokyo accents. But it's actually really charming and down to Earth once you know it. Men automatically sound 150% cooler when they use it too - a lot less feminine.
>otakus are only into their "stuff" not actual important things we all need to do in life
man im seeing some spooky vibes coming off of you
yes its the same sistercon stuff