This is the brown islamic creature calling you a mutt

>This is the brown islamic creature calling you a mutt

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He's cute.

You're both disgusting mutts who should be purged from this world.

t. muhammad

t. Hassan

Why do people post their pics on 4channel?

t. Zhang.

Why not?

The posibility of someone you know finding out you browse this degenerate site filled with pedos and autists?

People actually consider this place a 'community' lmao. At best it's a place for porn and shitposting.

t. Mutt
t. Karim
t. Steven

t. Zhing

t. Abdallah

t. Incel

Can you just not be such a giant slobbering vagina? I've actually showed Jow Forums to some people and we've all laughed about it. No one cares about it unless you actually are an autistic pedo.

they'd be using it too my dude, it'd prove that we both are autists

Whiter than you mohamed

You and your friends are probably not normies. Normies consider this site a cesspool filled with the worst society has to offer. I don’t want to be labeled a neo-nazi anime watching pedo

Nobody actually cares what websites you go on. People have enough of their problems to deal with to really care so much about what websites you visit when you're bored. At worst they'll just think you're weird, but mostly they won't care. Jow Forums still is a cesspool though, you're right.

Another meaningless buzzword.
You won't be named anything unless you actually are a creepy autist, in which case everyone will go "ah, well that explains it". If you carry yourself with confidence it's just going to be seen as a quirk at worst.

>People actually consider this place a 'community' lmao. At best it's a place for porn and shitposting.
you take that back you son of a bidch
Jow Forums is one big family

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Normies are on facebook, instagram, maybe have a twitter. Probably even shitty 9gag. Jow Forums is at the bottom

ignore him cunt, she'll be right

First steps on a path of not being labeled an autistic pedo is stopping grouping people into "us & them" and getting rid of your persecution complex.

Who's she? I'm a male

one big brown familly

Reminds me of lil pump

Jow Forums is sad posters masking their sadness with anger and shitposting. This place is a trap, not the good kind either.

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t. negrinho da silva
t. zhang
t. zhao
t. wang
t. pekka khan
t. abdul
t. zhang
t. vladimir
t. ali
t. pajeet
t. ahmed
t. ivan
t. chang
t. huatapayec
t. bashar
t. rajesh
t. dmitri
t. lee
t. abdullah
t. patel
t. nikita
t. sanjay
t. joaquim barbosa
t. amir
t. mihai the gypsy

You took your time to write all that
I can respect that

He did, but he called me russian 4 times. Not a single polish name! Good effort, poor delivery.

why you respect

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oh dude i made a real fucking mistake am i the face of wogs on the board now

im a fucking retard fishing for compliments

please dont fuck me

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but who else, if not you?

There were plenty of other fools who posted their face ;-;

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no matter how ugly he is you will always be a mutt
stop being a pussy. No one will be upset because you browse Jow Forums, we are all normies here.

>no matter how ugly he is
i-is it that bad?

better than being brazilian

rate pls

cute, wear a wig and a dress

What race is he even?

I also made the mistake of posting my face on this board in the past lol. Bad idea.

wh-what happened?

>post face
>nothing happens
>tfw unremarkable in every way

>post face
>get called a brown islamic creature

>post on Jow Forums
>appear on images in the Nederdraad
>posted on /soc/
>appear on images in the Nederdraad
>the autist who saved me thinks I'm two people

Well, are you?

I'm not him, but he doesn't look like a Muslim to me. He looks like some Indian white mix.

pretty much, yeah

From which country are you?

must be some kind of paki

born here (randstad lmao)
iraq-moroccan heritage
my mom bought into the whole genetic kit meme and ordered two so who knows i might secretly be 56% white

Are you the tattaposter shitting up our comfy /nederdraad/?

>post face
>german calls you jesus, russian says they'd fuck you and canadian asks if you're a "failed chad:

i only ever bogapaal

That's still acceptable, dont ever let me catch you tattaposting or I'll tell your mom

would fuck his ass

I regret posting my face on the gayest board

whos iraqi and whos morrocan?

That's a yikes from me

does he beat up women like all the other shitskins?

iraq (y) moroccan (x)

whenever i can find the time to do it


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yeah but this isn't about you nigger.
I meant does the OP's pic related do that

he does

creative and patrician way of telling me.

im guessing you dont speak arabic at home then, no way your parents would understand each other would they?

my dad is a fucking nigger who doesnt like paying taxes so he went back to iraq to start a business

o, I thought your dad was Morrocan

so he just ditched you guys? or is he still in the picture.

Introverts and incels are overrepresented on Jow Forums. It's no wonder that many posters with European flags are actually introvert incel-y Muhammads, Ngobos, Pajeets etc.


Please start t*ttaposting, you are literally allowed to.

very monkey like behaviour indeed. that's why they have more muscle, to climb the trees

only through the occasional phone call

ik neem geen bevelen aan van tatta's



looks like me

Average karaboga poster

>ik neem geen bevelen aan van tatta's
Jaaaaa dankjewel

probably a indonesian born / moved to the netherlands

Oh cool, a name calling thread!

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Insecurity, they want attention on a website that is supposed to be anonymous.

Syd Barrett reincarnated.

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>t.Jan Van Dyke

Niet hoe je dat schrijft, Joe Gomez.

>not uniting every race and social background to make fun of Portugal

from wat islamic dumphole you are from?

Mediterranean people look like that after a week in the sun.

no, they dont
also, theres not enough sun in netherlads

Do you understand that North Africa, Greek, and Italy are all around the Mediterranean?
Why do you think that some countries don't fucking count Italians as white...

are there only Jow Forumsfags playing or what?
anyone here from hong kong?

Typical mutt nigger

Hope your whore of a mother gets raped to death when Russia invades Europe

this, thank you