Will you stop being a NEET in 2019?
Will you stop being a NEET in 2019?
Probably, God willing.
No. No wagie for me ever again!
I'm filthy rich I don't need to work
>tfw in my 30s and have a shitty part-time job while living with parents
>tfw technically not a NEET
I can't be a neet. I'm too proud to do that.
If i ever get sick enough so i can't work i would probably kill myself
I will start being a true NEET mid 2019 here it's around 1000 usd per month
Why are there more NEETs in countries with bad welfare? Just well off parents?
Yeah mummy is putting me through a cert II in security operations and getting me an airport job.
WTF? Why are the third world shitholes so high?
Why can't nortenos and surenos just get along?
I'm happy to do any job. Unfortunately I'm over-qualified for minimum wage positions and I don't have enough experience for professional positions.
Last time I was a NEET was in 2008. Wasn't great, but I have passivd income so it might be quite comfy.
Only in your dreams. You'll have less than 500, with your bank account stalked by bercy, and all your social media accounts stalked by the internet taxe brigade.
>what's AAH
why you heff to be mad?
This except I'm still in my 20s.
Fuck working full time and moving out, I'd have to work twice as much and have less money to spend after paying rent.
Actually i think things will get worse, im 36 so its worse, so neet forever here
This image is inaccurate since most young people here work without being registered
Why are romance and latin countries so fucking lazy? Also turkroaches?
that is taken into account already
well, you certainly shouldn't become a Jow Forums moderator, ayylmao
Hopefully yes, if all goes well I'll be looking to transition into the "independently wealthy" category which is basically a NEET with equity
Friendly reminder that employment figures for the UK and USA are complete shams since a lot of people, especially younger people, are not actually employed but are functionally 1930s style day laborerers with no guarantee of being in work tomorrow because of continually weakening labor protections and the death of unions.
Shut the fuck up.
Figures a Pole would defend that
>tfw I really hope 2019 will be my last year alive.
well, more precisely, this shouldn't be a problem when calculating neet rates, a neet is a simpler metric, you're considered one when you are not in employment, education nor in trainig, whether you're looking for them or not
Yes, you dumb fucks.
Zamknij się pacanie.
>the United States of NEETs
B-but muh 4% unemployment rate!!
SILENCE krautie, American economy is doing better than yours.
This, but reemplace working by studying at university, kek.
if you're not looking for a job you're not unemployed but "out of the work force"