Japanese people do not usually care about race.
Why do Caucasian always think about race?
>Japanese people do not usually care about race.
Mostly because they're too busy hating other asians.
Japanese people are more racist than Whites you dumb yellow cunt
>one of the most xenoohobic developed countries do not usually care about race
There is no organization like KKK in Japan, the policeman does not shoot black people with no questions.
Because Japan is 99% Japanese you dumb yellow rat
>Japanese people do not usually care about race.
Australia's Caucasian share will be quite high. Did you forget the White Australia policy?
Japan first appealed at the international conference for the abolition of racial discrimination.
You are an autism that mixes the real world and the anime world.
I'm not an anglo, you can't hold me accountable for their actions you dumbass
Are you Aboriginal?
God no
>You are an autism
delet this!!!
Just Americans and other mongrels.
You are only ever around Japanese people all day, and your country is very homogenous. My work place has whites, blacks, chinks, gooks, vietnamese, and even a middle eastern guy. People are naturally judgemental, and your race is the most evident part of your appearance and voice. Not that I'm complaining my coworkers, they all make me equally uncomfortable.
because japan has only japanese people. white countries, especially usa and canada have white, black, asian, middle eastern, indian, native american, etc all living in the same place
>Japanese people do not usually care about race.
>Japanese people do not usually care about race
Is this a joke or are you just retarded?
Thanks CHINK------------------------------s
so you don't mind if we send all of our thrid world undesirables to your little island then