Why are there so many fags on this board? It's Jow Forums not /lgbt/.
Why are there so many fags on this board? It's Jow Forums not /lgbt/
It's hip to be a fag these days.
most of them are just prison gays, it doesnt count
Prison gayness as a result of being incels
/lgbt/ is an awful awful board, it's much more fun to bant with my Jow Forums gaybros
Last I checked, /lgbt/ is fucking filled with uggo trannies going OwO UwU @~@ looking for neckbeards to call them cutesy wutesy tootie patootie
Jow Forums is where all the hot men post
Lol is this how they define themselves nowadays?
OP I'd love to fuck a sweet trap asshole, but I don't like men at all.
Also, Jow Forums is full of insecure people.
Imagine being a Jow Forums faggot
A turbovirgin incel so autistic that he resorts to fapping to males/traps and erp with other ugly incels like him because he is too ugly and pathetic to get a real girlfriend.
at least our country didn't come into existance due to angry Morman's
I'll take convict cobbers any day
Because boys from other countries are cute...
H-hey that's my pasta :D
Imagine a fat med cock resting on his face
>b-boys are so much better than girls
Yes, I couldn't have said it better myself
Because the jannies are incompetent.
>i'm an ugly incel
>women ignore me
>i'll get a cute trap
>he will be 100% feminine
>and will never get old
>and he will always be loyal
>he will forever love me, an autistic, ugly, incel
You should see Jow Forums, it's a total shithole now ruined by trannies and the janny who patrols their threads banning any based pepes
Why does a janny even exist on Jow Forums other than to remove rule breaking content
As the name suggests, janny is a tranny that bans people who are against tranny discord organized raids, when trannies are the ones breaking rules and indoctrinating kids as young as 13 into HRT
This, it's fucking disgusting that gays are allowed to spam their propaganda literally everywhere on the internet
this is a koot boibord