"Hey dork, get in here!"

>"Volleyball practice ended early today and I want to work my thigh muscles some more before we head to the nationals tomorrow."

wat do

Attached: 1546581667210.jpg (1080x1349, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you like a boy that is gay >:

Tell her I like women with less testo

Bury my face beetwen here legs and sniff

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massage with hard pee pee

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she would be implying she wants to ride your dick, in this case

Good lord, imagine her putting you up against the wall and picking up against aforementioned wall, she then finds out you got a boner and disgusted at first. She begins making out with you, you then begin to wrap your legs around her waist. God that would be so weird lol

anyone know who she is?
instagram or whatever

talked to her a while ago on twitter, like 2 years ago i guess. shes only 18 now if i am not wrong.


thanks turk bro,you're a good pal

Fucking based

pulverize my pelvic pretty please

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Wtf is her boyfriend? This is giving me flashbacks of that thread again

give her the biggest strap-on from my collection and let her work her thigh muscles with me of course, i don't wanna hurt her performance in the nationals tomorrow





Good good. I want her to pick me up and toss me around

>tfw she will never snuggle beside you, teasing your flaccid dick while basking in her fruity girl smell
>tfw you'll never create 10 beautiful children with her

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Locked but he's still in her pics

not a problem,
unless they are married she is fair game.
might have to do some mental gymnastics to get her to dump him


And now she is a fat cunt with an equally fat spic bf. Liberal as well.

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nothing wrong with that. Don't let memes get to you

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what did she mean by this?

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>nutted but he keeps succ

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She is dating him. How? Why? She is a clearly out of his league.

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just b urself

there's much more to attractiveness than just physical appearance.

Thats because charisma is the selling point of men. Most women won't give a fug about looks if you are charismatic.
T. ugly lardass who managed to score women several times above his league

t. actually a chad

But he is disgusting, just look at him. Maybe no one was interested in her and she just accepted first one who tried.

Same, but it helps that I'm not ugly, have charisma and a nice dick.

Money or red hair.

guy's humour might have been top tier and normie certified

Tomboy Mating_Press Leg_Lock Impregnation

He doesn't look that bad to me honestly, if he shaved that facial hair he'd look better. He looks like a 6/10 and she's a 7.5

>He looks like a 6/10
Alrighty, then I'm 10/10

is this the power of celts?

yeah so stay away dumb muzzie fuck

>implying any women want to talk to turks

she's anti-guns


Lol no women are more interested in appearance than men

She's just young and stupid and doesn't realize how attractive she is.

Plus only patricians like the pixie cut so maybe most men she knows are plebs

some people are just content with what they have rather than what the could have.

Yeah no that's not the case here.

Besides she probably hasn't even been exposed to online dating yet

i am kind of sure she has.

>she's a 7.5
what the fuck. at least 9.

Wouldn't they require people to be 18 less they open themselves to some liability

I feel very, very anguished right now.

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>just be confident bro!


I don't know, that's why this gif of goose doing a very angry movement exists. It's a mix of she'll never be yours, tfw no gf and existential dread. It just kind of hurts, I feel the need to grit my teeth and like I'm going to pop a vein.

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Not to me, she's not ugly at all but I don't find her very attractive, especially in this pic

are you ugly?

Yes of course.

No offence but I dont understand why ugly guys are are the most desperate and determined to get a woman to the point where they consider suicide over it.

I'm just shitposting, that's what we do in Jow Forums, shitpost about tfw no gf. Don't get so worked up over it.

kinda good looking virgin btw

I cant believe for a second that all the accumulated desperate posts in Jow Forums regarding the topic are shitposting.

getting a gf for ugly guys is a huge achievement, at least in their minds.


I guess.
yea but why? you get a wife or something, you have children, and your children inherit your desperation to get a wife but they are ugly. Whats the point in all of this?

its cool when you win against all odds. and people, like other living beings, are highly narcissistic, so it makes sense when you dont care about what you inherit to your child as long as you are winning right now. also answers the question why people vote for shit people right now even though their kids will suffer because of today's shit leader, and many other phenomenon.

or even worse your children are ugly women. thats has to suck really bad.

So I shouldnt feel bad about this incels then. I should encourage them to commit suicide instead. If they are worse than a waste of space why not?

You dont care about your child? Why shouldnt the child kill you or torture you?

well, thats not for me to decide. most people dont care about their child but they more care about their treatment towards their child and future psychological or material earnings from your child anyways.

we humans just happen to name electro-chemical reactions in our brains love, care, hate, happiness etc. what really matters is your own personal ambitions since they are the source of your personal happiness, everything else is meaningless details on the road to happiness.

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i want to throw acid on her now

I guess there is some truth to your shitposting but ill take it with a pinch of salt since now that Im thinking about it the ugly people who would rather not have children are not posting about it.

as much as the incels who desperate about it and who are just fucking awful.

Shit taste


Well I guess getting a gf/companion/whatever it is, is not the same thing as this but still too much desperation over it lol. Samefag out.

>Yes user, we can date but you need to be at least a bit taller than me
>I'm 195cm btw

Attached: Credit-Fabio-Cucchetti-02.jpg (675x900, 70K)

Can dick size compensate my low height?

Thanks for destroying what little confidence was left in me.

She pretty

How the fuck is a 2/10 able to score a girl like this

Publicity? Dont believe everything you see in social media

clap those cheeks

Add your height and penis length and if it's it longer than her height + penis you can date her.

based Jow Forumsposter

Damn it, it's only 165+20

what a sad story

I've seen it in real life as well. All these alternative 9/10s actually have loser boyfriends who love this type of tomboy. It's a weird phenomenom.

the bloke doesn't look that bad at all in the photo though, looks like a pretty chill guy

maybe because your clingyness and desperation, putting down the bloke immediately and putting her on a pedestal saying she can do better, is why most of y'all are single

How da fuk a weak beta male like that faggot is datin someone like her? In México you must be rich or very strong/good fighter if you don't want to die alone, women love machos not faggets

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I'm not desperate and I'm not virgin. It's just him being ugly

who gives a shit

you'll find other women like that, what would you suggest you do? try and get her to break up with him? it's vindictive and comes across as desperate

the Jow Forumscel cope is as strong as the last thread about some disabled guy having a top tier gf

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Lo siento señorita, no hablo inglés

What's wrong with getting someone else's woman? I've done it before.