Honest thoughts about Turkey?
I've never been, my experience with Turks has been they're hard working and friendly.
I hope to visit one day
Honest thoughts about Turkey?
I've never been, my experience with Turks has been they're hard working and friendly.
I hope to visit one day
Me too. I want to visit Izmir, Sinop, and unironically the ruins of Hattusa.
they seem to be an interesting mix of almost Europeans in the west and goat herding illiterate subhuman savages in the east. Overall they are bros, any time I go there they greet me and say "neighbor, neighbor". Of course as a Balkanite I am obliged to hate them a little but for historical reasons
My Turkish ex-gf told me that Izmir smelled like shit.
She also told me that Ankara is kind of like Las Vegas, a very developped city in the middle of nothing.
I always thought it was a backward cunt but there are a lot of place that are high tech.
There are fucking tv screens in some theaters bathrooms.
I like the language too, I began to learn it but then I broke off with her.
A lot of Turks here where I live and they seem pretty based hard working people.
Just curious, I was reading about the history of the Bulgarians and found that your nation was first founded by a group of people called the Bulgars. It says the Bulgars were a Turkic group of people.
How does this make you feel?
ankara is a shit city, i know it cuz i live there.
I don't feel anything, it's a well known fact. Modern Bulgarians are a mix of the original turkic tribes that came here and the local slavs. And obviously over the centuries there has been crazy mixing with other people too. Being an ethnoboo especially in the Balkans is retarded
Would you agree that you are most related to Greeks genetically?
i dont think bulgars are related to greeks at all
I really doubt that. Bulgarians, Romanians and Serbs are our own thing genetically
bulgaria has the best yogurt
Turkey should have marched in and taken over most of Syria. I think I'm a Neo-Ottomanist.
Turkish girls are the cutest.
Turks in Europe:
10% agressive dumb monkeys like moroccans
60% kinda dumb but kinda not agressive
30% very noice people almost like native europeans
Turks in Western TUrkey:
100% very noice people almost like Europeans
Turks from Turkey are fine but the ones from Germany make me wanna puke
This desu
dayum. need sauce.
I already found a source and fapped, hehe
Then post it you faggot
hope you aren't s*rbian
muhh dick
Anatolia is shit
Western Turks are unironically some of the best people out there but they're also corrupted by the West
Overall a pretty shit country but better than all of their neighbors combined a million times over
Amazing place to visit, it's on par with the USA in terms of diversity of landscapes. South East Turkey is one of the most underrated regions in the world. The only problem with Turkey is that Turks live there.
I am
Istanbul almost looks like Europe but everything to the east of it is West Iran and it's all burkas and sharia law.
>they seem to be an interesting mix of almost Europeans in the west and goat herding illiterate subhuman savages in the east.
The region you refer to as being populated by goat herding illiterate subhuman savages was known for its academies and scholarship throughout thr Middle Ages, having been the area where much of the preservation of classical books through translation, which was a primary factor in the Renaissance up to 1000 years later, was being done. These academies also led to the recognized invention of hospitals to the southeast, in Khuzestan, Iran. The Second Crusade was fought over the city in that region that the Europeans believed was the first one where Christianity was official, and which is a short distance away from Gobekli Tepe, the prehistoric site excavated in 1996, considered to be one of the earliest known signs of civilization. Books made in the written dialect of that city were proliferated from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean by 781, until the rule of Tamerlane. In the vicinity of that city was another one, Harran, where classical pagans survived at least until 830, over 400 years after Theodosius I's rule in the Western Roman Empire. Artifacts from China brought over the Silk Road were looted out of hidden mountain temples there 100 years ago, and the outward flow of loot has been abundant enough that right now the stones and statues of the world's first empire are being put on the black market by radical Muslims from every part of the world but that one itself. The region also hosted the 'first female rabbi' in the 17th century, 300 years before anywhere else.
So by all means, let the Bulgarians say "they seem to be an interesting mix of almost Europeans in the west and goat herding illiterate subhuman savages in the east." I'm sure they have much more to offer.
>Honest thoughts about Turkey
To be honest, I don't think about them. I just laugh at the memes. Jow Forums turks are cringe tier tho.
>South East Turkey is one of the most underrated regions in the world.
Note that it was renamed to Anatolia after WWI, after thousands of years when it was never called that, and thousands of places there and even animals have been renamed. en.wikipedia.org
The same goes for northern Iraq. For most of history, Iraq referred to what is now southern Iraq and southwestern/central Iran.
Also see , about SE Turkey.
>For most of history,
Until, again, WWI.
Coastal Turkey doesn't look so bad
I don't really get your point, Anatolia is much more than just SE Turkey
Turks don't wear burkas, even in the East. You'll literally see more burkas on your average street in London or Birmingham than you will in say Erzurum or Konya
hes a k*rd apologist, k*rd or an armenian.
ive never heard of that church before. i couldnt even find a turkish website about it desu.
Das rite