Camron Jean-Pierre, 11, fell unconscious inside his Brooklyn, New York home around 7:30 p.m...

Camron Jean-Pierre, 11, fell unconscious inside his Brooklyn, New York home around 7:30 p.m. on New Year’s Day while his grandmother was cooking cod fish. The boy has a known allergy to fish.

Camron’s father, Steven Jean-Pierre, was inconsolable.
“It’s all too raw,” he sobbed, and declined to make any more comments.

Steven Jean-Pierre is a single father. His son, Camron, was an only child.

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>“It’s all too raw,” he sobbed

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wouldn't that be impossible?
an allergy is just a reaction to a protein
if the fish was cooked then by some slim chance the protein was in the air it would be unfolded and cause no harm
please provide source

Jody Pottingr, Camron's mother said, "He went in the house and then he inhaled the fish. When he inhaled the fish, I guess that triggered off an asthma attack, and he couldn't breathe. His lungs tightened up."

Adela Taylor, who chairs the allergy and asthma center at Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire, Wis., said it is also possible “to have an allergic reaction to steam or fumes produced by cooking seafood.”

“The fish protein that is responsible for the allergic reactions is very stable when cooked,” the doctor said in an email to The Post. “Published research articles indicate fish protein can be detected in steam and fumes during cooking or processing. It is possible that a person who is exposed to cooking steam or fumes, especially in an enclosed space, could have an allergic reaction.”

She added: “There are case reports of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, from inhalation of fumes from cooking fish, but it is a very rare presentation.”

Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, a professor of pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, also emphasized that an allergic reaction would not be caused simply by smelling an allergen but by inhaling the particles released into the air by cooking, steaming or roasting. Nowak-Wegrzyn, who specializes in allergy and immunology, said she has had patients who are severely allergic to milk report symptoms such as coughing and wheezing when walking into a coffee shop.

>Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire, Wis.
>Mayo Clinic

For some reason this always makes me giggle.

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why are whities so vulnerable to allergies?

>It's all too raw

I'm allergic to seafood, would I be able to survive a trip to Japan?

So maybe, just maybe, if you fucking die by inhaling the smell of someone cooking a fish then maybe you weren't supposed to keep on living in the first place, evolution and all that

I know all Americans get counted as white, but this is really pushing it.

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So you can get wealthy if you'll hear the coin clinking?

Where the fuck are all these over-sensitive allergies coming from? Is this a result of city living? Modern medicine defying evolution? What?


It doesn't really explain where these allergies come from. I mean, can you imagine a person from just 200 years ago dying from walking past a fishing boat or a dairy farm? These all seem so modern.

Maybe that person just died. And everyone raised their shoulders.

Probably a combination of things. I think one part of it is due to women avoiding eggs, fish, peanuts etc. during pregnancy so the kid doesn't have that initial exposure.

From actually speaking about them, also from children surviving in infancy.

Imagine in WW3, all China has to do is to throw fish and peanuts at Americans and half of them will die. Sad!

This is the face of white America.

> fetus deathly allergic to eggs, fish, or peanuts
> mother eats eggs, fish, or peanuts during pregnancy

> why is miscarriages and infant mortality so high?

Lack of exposure does make some sense, everyone now living mostly indoors in air-tight housing could give them hayfever, processed food prevents them getting exposure to natural ingredients such as nuts, milk, etc. But it doesn't seem to be the whole cause considering people can also become allergic over time despite eating the things.

>black american
>french name


This. Just kill them in the womb and quickly try again. People gave up proper evolution and the advancement of the species. But that's fine if we can do proper genetic engineering some time.
But if every degradation goes on unchecked society will collapse before that point.
People die, there is a chance your child will die, it's natural, just like your parents dying, you should have more children to compensate. People should simply accept this.

>So maybe, just maybe, if you fucking die by inhaling the smell of someone cooking a fish then maybe you weren't supposed to keep on living in the first place, evolution and all that
This. Like the giant panda, people who are that allergic are more or less genetically predisposed to being eliminated from the gene pool.

why are there 160 people with autism per 10000 in japan?

Louisiana was a slave state and mostly inhabited by french colonists, so many blacks from there got french names

that's fucking harsh, no one wants babies dying

lmao if not for modern amenities you fuckers would’ve died in infancy

Jean-Pierre as a surname. Wtf? Probably a family of former Haitian slaves.

>emphasized that an allergic reaction would not be caused simply by smelling an allergen but by inhaling the particles released into the air by cooking, steaming or roasting.
Isn't uh...
Isn't that what fucking smelling something is? Inhaling the particles that something is releasing into the air?

probably means that
being in a river with fish = safe
cooking fish over a fire = not safe

that sentiment is a luxury people can afford now, but there's a huge difference between a kindness that wants to help the weak and make life better for everyone, while accepting reality and working to make it better, and one that denies reality and leads to hard times
this is the same thing as with global warming, people can hope for a huge scientific breakthrough, but that's a huge gamble
If people won't accept austerity now and try to minimize the damage we can quickly get to an age, where way more drastic measures must be applied just to save us

The smell of something is not the something. It's part of the something.

??? I don't understand the joke and I live in USA

You don't know what is Mayonnaise?

>have extreme allergy to fish
>let's cook fish
>wow he had an allergic reaction
how can you be this stupid?

the immune system learns how to behave in early childhood, recently it's been a meme all over the world to have your home super hygienic and clean, but that actually makes it so the immune system doesn't have anything genuine to focus on and it goes full retard and makes people develop life long allergies instead

>“It’s all too raw,”
I feel bad for chuckling

Now they are saying you should expose kids to potential allergens at very young ages as it will prevent an allergy forming. So before you weren't supposed to let a baby anywhere near peanuts until they were older and if they had a family history of allergy not at all until tested. Now they say to walk the peanuts to them at

No titties milky.

the actual thing you should be doing is living normally and not obsessing over how to manage things that nature is already managing for you far better than you'll be able to


>do stupid thing
There's your explaination desu

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probably a Haitian

survival of the fishtest


Natural selection isn't teleological, you fucking moron. There is no goal, only adaptation.

that's just a very odd anecdotal case and nobody knows what exactly happened. people just die once in a while.

or cameroonian.

>Camron Jean-Pierre, 11, fell unconscious inside his Brooklyn,

French, from Paris

>single father
>Camron's mother

Allergies are no joke, brahs

Fucking Hungarians

As it happened in NYC , he is probably of Hatian background.

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roastie got toastie

Looks like she is gagging on an invisible cock.


I know about mayonnaise but still don't understand the mayo clinic thing

Mayo is short for Mayonnaise

Calm down Louis CK.

I live in NYC and have never met anyone from Cameroon.

they put mayo on french fries in europe. my friend vincent has seen that.

vaccines did this