why are there so many european tourists in New Zealand for the holidays, can Euros explain this? how does anyone besides Australia even know we exist?
it seems the most common types are german guys with their mates and/or their gf's and french girls by themselves or with other french girls also had a few americans, some canadians and an irish gril
Friend of mine (Turk) with his gf is in NZ right now It's just a way for well-earning middle-class types to spend money on a non-beach, non-diarrhea holiday and afterwards claim they went on an adventure You can thank Peter Jackson
But until you take back all the 18 yr old Christchurch Music College graduates with dreadlocks who go on an interrail tour of Europe around Oktoberfest, I won't really feel sorry for you It's pretty reciprocal
Juan Fisher
I rember 1 tiem I got lost but then a lady took me to the front of the shop and called my mum :)
They come here because we are a warm first world country with gorgeous scenery. Norway and Iceland have gorgeous scenery also, but they are too cold for normals to explore the wilderness.
Parker Gonzalez
yeah she was :) she held my hand and gave me a lolliepop
but if you wanted to climb things are there a lot of way better countries? we only really have 1 big mountain range and our tallest mountain is not even that big
Our mountain ranges rise steeply from the sea so they look aesthetic. Not many countries have mountains like these except for Norway, southern Chile, southeast Alaska and northwest British Columbia. Only New Zealand out of this list isn't too cold for normals.
I don't know I've never been there, it's in other part of Russia and it's kinda expensive to go there I guess. I heard there is no land road and you go there only by plane or boat or helicopter. My dad served in Kamchatka when he was in army and he hated it for some reason. Expect tundra, moskitos, drunktards, volcanoes and a lot of bears
y-yes, i can be anything you want me to be if you're willing to import me to your cunt
Jason Perry
Its quite simple. If youve seen Europe a couple times, so look for a more exotic yet safe and accessible destination. Then NZ becomes an option.
Isaac Mitchell
Especially if you just want to go to the beach, like half the people here do.
Adrian Jackson
I dont like the beach because i get sand stuck to me and burned and the water gets in my mouth and tastes bad and its too hot and i dont have any friends to go with but I cant go alone or people will bully me
A comfy country that isn't full of Australians but has around the same climate, so naturally we go for New Zealand.
Evan Lopez
Mosquitos and drunks sounds bad, but tundra, volcanos and bears sounds awesome.
Justin Hernandez
New Zealand culture is different from Australia's because we are influenced by Maori.
Oliver Morales
no we arent no one gives a fuck about them except faggot lefties down south everyone is really sick of their shit to be honest
Hudson Fisher
I'm probably further south than you, but people here don't have as much animosity towards Maori as northerners do. Most youth here have a Maori or part Maori friend. Maori are seen as cool here.
Jaxon King
Where about do you live?
Charles Cox
>I'm probably further south than you Unless you're stewart island then I highly doubt it
Invercargill used to live further north up the south island though where there were a lot more islanders and maoris, went to a school with only about 50% white kids and even the nerdiest most suck up do-gooder ones ended up fucking hating maoris and islanders within their first year
I went to school in Southland, not up north. Southland kids aren't intimidated by polynesians like northern kids are, so we don't hate on them like little bitches.
Christian Kelly
These posts are by the same person, me.
Joshua Ross
>how does anyone besides Australia even know we exist? the 8 hour long ad campaign you did a couple years back...