Balkan girl edition
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why would they put a coursework about logistics in a cs degree
tfw no qt bošnjaci muslimani gf
what's going on with her boobs?
Fuck you fag mods. I don't respect you, nor your chink boss, nor your rules. If I ever catch you in real life you'd be chocking on cock that you banned me for. I was going to type a long rant. But fuck you. You're not even worth it.
gay new year to everybody
reminder to come here when hiro chan freezes again
Considering the Balkans had no retro games history, what's retro gaming like in ex-yu?
hahaha lol
lick my anus
1. Ask /ex-yu
2. I don’t think anyone cares about games when they were getting killed left and right
no u
They're just jealous of your big Arab dick, user. I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you.
such an iconic image
>Three former Credit Suisse Group AG bankers were arrested in London on Thursday on U.S. charges that they took part in a fraud scheme involving $2 billion in loans to state-owned companies in Mozambique, a spokesman for U.S. prosecutors said.
>Andrew Pearse, 49; Surjan Singh, 44; and Detelina Subeva, 37 were charged in an indictment in Brooklyn, New York federal court with conspiring to violate U.S. anti-bribery law and to commit money laundering and securities fraud
not what i said
i was just asking if small cocks are more sfw than big cocks
Stop I already jerked it 7 times today
why slav(E)s arent considered as animals again?? they should be
made for bbc
Salvs have biggest cocks at 25cm average length and 20cm girth, the fact that they aren't considered niggers by some is astounding.
a shit coming from a dog's anus is worth more than entire slav race
i would cry for a dead mosquito but i wouldn't even shed a single tear if entire slav race is exterminated
>jerking off to lolis with small ass and breast instead of jerking off to huge tits and huge ass cum dumpsters
*smells his own farts*
now that is something i love, unlike slavs.
Nigger my libido is off the charts, what you mentioned is my favorite type of girl but I could even jerk it to a skelleton if it were sexy enough... I need to ask Allah for forgiveness...
im not him ffs
>Dow tumbles 650 points as Apple news, manufacturing data spark fears of global slowdown
>U.S. stock indexes closed sharply lower Thursday, after a survey of American manufacturers showed the sector growing at its slowest pace in two years, and after a sales forecast cut by Apple Inc AAPL, +0.29% intensified fears of a slowing Chinese economy.
>One of Trump's top economic advisers thinks the US-China trade war will cause a 'heck of a lot of US companies' to make nasty announcements like Apple's
>One of President Donald Trump's top economic advisers suggested Thursday that Apple's shock announcement downgrading its revenue outlook for the holiday quarter was only the first in a series of ugly corporate revelations coming as a result of the US-China trade war.Kevin Hassett, the chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, told CNN that Apple's sales drop in China — which the company pointed to as the primary reason for the revenue shortfall — would only represent the start for US companies.
>Google shifted $23 billion to tax haven Bermuda in 2017: filing
>Google moved 19.9 billion euros ($22.7 billion) through a Dutch shell company to Bermuda in 2017, as part of an arrangement that allows it to reduce its foreign tax bill, according to documents filed at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.he amount channeled through Google Netherlands Holdings BV was around 4 billion euros more than in 2016, the documents, filed on Dec. 21, showed.
didnt read
I wonder what Sashko thinks about this.
>CIA Chief Pushes For More Spies Abroad; Surveillance Makes That Harder
>CIA Director Gina Haspel spent much of her career overseas and undercover — and she wants more CIA officers doing the same.In her one public speech since becoming head of the spy agency, Haspel said her goal is to "steadily increase the number of officers stationed overseas. That's where our mission as a foreign intelligence agency lies, and having a larger foreign footprint allows for a more robust posture."
She's a qt, would let her take my virginity. Getting HIV may be way worth it.
she looks like a whore (like every romanian girl)
how much for a night? be aware that i won't pay no more than $2 to a romanian. $2 is enough to make her the richest person in romania anyways
I'm buying, so good news.
shut up s*shko
Why are God's chosen people like this?
>Israel toughens prison conditions for Palestinians to 'fulfill moral duty to victims'
>Israel is set to deliberately worsen the holding conditions for Palestinian prisoners with a cooking ban and restrictions on visits and water usage. "This party is coming to an end," the Israeli Public Security minister has said.Israel's Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan unveiled restrictions to be imposed on Palestinian prisoners kept in Israeli jails on Wednesday.
Why not, user?
you will die as a pathetic virgin. no women will ever touch you. just end it, end it right fucking now. no need to fuck around. do it, it'll save you from years of pain.
because of your mothers pussy
I don't want to sound barbaric but I would like to crush her head with anvil
/balk/: proxy fag edition
>because of your mothers pussy
Aw, that's too bad. Can you at least explain to me why Brazilian politics are such a fucking joke?
>Brazil's new foreign minister says country will abandon globalism
>Brazil’s new Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo said on Wednesday that his country would revert to its former, less globalist policies and support those fighting against “tyranny” in Venezuela.At the United Nations, Brazil would no longer serve the interests of international non-governmental organizations, he said, in a speech made after being sworn in
> just end it, end it right fucking now. no need to fuck around. do it, it'll save you from years of pain.
The pain of not having a girl is bad, but not "I will just kill myself, lol" bad.
didnt even read ONE word of your post lmfao
you know why you dont have a girl? because you are pathetic. a miserable failure. thats why.
you cant stop the inevitable.
one day you are going to do it. you are not realized it yet.
but i only post shotas
>because you are pathetic
Why though? I am in decent health, have a good job, money and everything.
Just too antisocial to get a girl.
oh no no no
>didnt even read ONE word of your post lmfao
You break my heart, Brazilanon : (
I know, right? Fighting "globalism" by becoming an American puppet. Right-wingers are hilarious.
i also broke your mothers pussy with my cock too
at least they are not slavs
That's very unfortunate, hope she gets well soon.
Where is the kellyfatass when you need him
>not a single story of disaster happenings around the new year
>meanwhile germans are getting raped and french are getting killed
so proud of you balkanlars, keep it up
he's sleeping now.
he was awake all night yesterday because her mom was moaning too loud on my cock
i have 25 cents
what should i buy? slavic women or a chewing gum?
living in balkans and being slav is a disaster itself
>annual brazilian exports
>hydrazine, inorganic salts
>$255.7 million
is that all you ??
hello and good morning guys
morning sashko
what's the battle plan for today
CIA was looking for you at my house, stop using my IP you fucking subhuman.
well i sometimes shitpost before or after i fuck your mom
just killed a Bulgarian spy
Lmao virgin I fucked your father in the ass and he gave birth to you.
did you beat him to death by slapping your ass repeatedly into his balls?
Very funny subhuman, in terms of war you have always been our sluts malakes turkovoulgaroi i makedonia einai ellhniki
gonna send sqipo mafia to eradicate the bulgarians
sqipo mafia best assasin in BAlkan
Macedonia oxi elleniki malaka poutana tiro pita gamo ti
Entering 4th month of nofap, hold me lads!!
No im killing the bulgarians spies you have to focus on paying debts ffs
that's like your opinion voulgare
mpased sexlord
why is her asshole so brown
you were in my thread yesterday
Are you sure? I don't think I posted in any threads except /balk/ yesterday.
>Nairobi has Google StreetVIew
>Sarajevo still doesn't
Does Google hate B&H?
this one?
Oh right, I was in that thread, I just didn't post anything so I forgot.
Why do women like going to places where they're very likely to get raped and murdered?
lol almost made me think it was some kind of coincidence
Western women are the most retarded "people" in existence. I've never seen a more pampered yet unintelligent subgroup in my entire life.
So sheltered that they don't even realize how desperate and aggressive people living in THESE conditions can be.
By the way, this actually looks worse than Romania :^)
Why do you have to ruin this moment of bonding with an insult
Genuinely wonder how these negresses still manage to be fat.
But that was a compliment, user.
i restarted my router and got a banned IP on Jow Forums from 2014
someone asking for cp on /r
I used to repeatedly get different banned IPs of someone who used them to spam CP on /sp/.
its shit
i got one of kamals ips that spammed black dicks on /tr/
I got some pretty based digits :)
Reminder that there isn't a powerchant more powerful than "чepвeни бoклyци" when it comes to protesting
>decide to laugh in french
>honhonhon ensues
>friend legit panics and this i got a heart attack
alright guys
fuck off seriously
you suck so fucking much
This is my life as a NEET.
i dont remember spammnig with greek ip though
Gentlemen...i hate niggers
Dobredojde gospodaru, bez tebe generalov e mrtov.
fuck I still remember when I was a dumb teenger posting on that shitty website 6 years ago. How embarrassing.
>that meme
jesus i remember this one it radiates lethal amounts of cringe
iskreno sto ve sprecuva da se samoubiete
Why is China so based?
>Xi Urges Peaceful Unification Of China And Taiwan, But Won't Rule Out Using Force
>A Taiwan independent from mainland China is not an option, and no person or party can stop the trend toward "unification," Chinese President Xi Jingping said in a policy speech Wednesday.While Beijing would seek a peaceful "reunification" with the self-governing island of over 23.5 million people, The Associated Press reports Xi said China wouldn't rule out using force if necessary.
I'm gonna die eventually why bother?
vo pravo si ja trgnav ortomata
holy shit this is the most insecure and butthurt post i've ever read here lmao
Of course I am being watched. I was being watched a long time before I started posting here. You have to assume you are always being watched, just as you have to assume that every gun is loaded. In fact, you have to assume that you are always under the sentence of death.