>be Latvia
>gets singled out
Be Latvia
Why do the mongol rape-baby hate Guatemala?
me on the middle left
is this really how russians see themselves? lmfao
Wanna say something pal? Do it.
based russkie standing up against the world that hates him with a chink as his only ally
no, this is how
its just another episode of sour grapes
no this is how
Just the axis of evil
No, google Bacилий Шyльжeнкo
That's Austria you shlup.
who are the rest?
presumably latvia (not austria which is on good terms with russia) and israel but the star of david isnt show for some reason
that really doesn't look like israel
Germany and Britanistan come out looking the most based and redpilled in this and it bothers me out (even though we get middle top billing :DDD)
Lmao, great picture with rich history behind it.
'ate guatemala
Simple as.
>injects 2 mg of Krokodil
imagine if you will a nation of less than two million that causes a nation of 150M such obsession
Can you say where is the first picture taking place ?
Syria ? Ukraine ?
Awesome Cosack bants btw
We really need to reintroduce that helmet design, it looks so badass.
No it doesn’t.
Reminder that Serbia is much older than Russia.
r*ssians fear the Latvian