I cant tell if im extremely good looking or ugly, people have called me a handsome 8-9 and also a 4-5...

i cant tell if im extremely good looking or ugly, people have called me a handsome 8-9 and also a 4-5, they're usually nice/smiley to me in public and girls sometimes look at me(but i barely go out so dont have a large enough sample size). but at the same time ppl have called me ugly/hideous

>are u beautiful or ugly? how do the people in your country react after seeing you?

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I never leave my house

If girls want to suck your dick for free, youre good looking. Otherwise no

just post a selfie bro

no im too scared to do that

i posted it on soc once and someone said 8, i deleted it immediately afterwards

what race are you

I'm eastern asian with tanned skin and big eyes and long hair, I work out and very socialize
people usually mistake me for a latino
and yeah they say I'm quite good looking but I don't consider myself as one because I like european girls....I find european boys a lot more handsome than me

i'm brown

stop being a pussy
just do it

Attached: quote-be-not-afraid-of-anything-you-will-do-marvelous-work-the-moment-you-fear-you-are-nobody-swami- (850x400, 72K)

give me your discord ill share it in pvt then

just post it here, you can delete it later pussy.

If you are this pussy, you can't fuck thots and have lustful sex like chad

thats the reason then why they react they way they do then :^)

>people usually mistake me for a latino
how is that possible in yurup?
latino means from latin america

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Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, etc
I look much like them, more than chinese

7.5 or 8

Don't obsess too much over that.

It just means you have to look/work harder to find the right girl.


Thanks, I'm from Pakistan FYI. I've had 0 tinder matches in like 3 days though.

You just need to talk to people and socialize

I see myself as rather ugly, but in the past three years I've grown my hair. Nowadays, girls want to touch it, they think it looks very nice. Since I am socially awkward, I don't really know how to react when such things happen, other than letting them touch my hair, I might have got further with them if I was more aware of what was happening.

You're good man, you're handsome enough, as long as your personality is there you shouldn't run into any walls. Don't worry about tinder, it's tough for all dudes that aren't shredded and gorgeous. that's just how it go.

I used to be a 9/10.

But now I'm a bit overweight and my hairline became shittier, so now I'm a 5/10. But I think I can work it up again to a 7/10 if I get in shape again.


post your face pussy
you wont

I already posted my face a couple times before. And each time it got reposted for months.

nice try ugly faggot

I'm not the one asking guys for their pictures.

I dont care anymore


you are good looking but not everyone likes mexicans or whatever you are. everyone has a preference and might say you are a 5 or something.