This was basically my last trip to Italy

Just add a slight bulge.

Attached: de0b4e473ac54a7f1c424e945352a723.jpg (850x850, 284K)

Post bulge

Post bulge

No bulge

Attached: 1535057899130.webm (186x250, 43K)

sometimes i wonder what the world would look like if we did have communism worldwide
capitalism is a dying old man kept alive by both blinding frothing fear of rednecks and hicks and big bucks of banks and jews
and it allows shit like this
saudis fulfilling their cropophilia on daddyless whores from europe and america

Post bulge

Thai ladyboys...

Attached: 1536596960617.png (356x356, 151K)

no bulge



very beautiful anime girl, nice thighs.

Post belly then

We'll just have to make it happen, Comrade.
Workers of the world, unite!!

Attached: 1532924219272.jpg (480x462, 38K)

*sniff* I want to, trust me *sniff* I really do ...

Attached: tumblr_inline_n8xjnzkJst1sod0lp.jpg (500x455, 35K)

That's hot

I'm right here my fellow worker ;^)
Now post belly


I thought we were unite ;^(
I blame capitalist

>I thought we were unite ;^(
>I blame capitalist

Capitalists?!?! Where?!

Attached: 1525234350078.jpg (980x552, 125K)

This is how I lost my virginity minus the bulge and some of the boobs.
Add in a bit more cash too.

IDC I'm a whore it was good money.

That is really cute! How much would it take for you to do the same thing just for me ?

About three fiddy.


Attached: b.png (850x850, 983K)

beat me to it, thanks

God I wish that were me