big Yikes thread
Big Yikes thread
That's pretty fucking based though. I'm looking forward to to the upcoming racewar/civil war desu. I'm going to use that as an excuse to rape as many women as I can ESPECIALLY those #metoo thots that complained about getting "sexually harassed" just because a guy looked at them funny. I am going make them realize what it really feels like to be oppressed
maybe this is why the french lost
Y i k e s !
did you write those, be honest?
thats a yikes for me
cringe to da max
10% probablity this post is 100% serious
how do I report this post to FBI
I'm pretty jealous of Americans. All you need to do is just post the dumbest shit ever under an American flag and you instantly get like a thousand you's.
I'm pumped for the upcoming race war lads
now THIS is incelposting
to be fair a race war sounds like good craic you're probably a pussy or woman if you think not
You have to be above 56% to post in this thread
The alpha chads will do all the raping. You will wash the toilets
Pycнe лишь бы нacтyчaть нa злoбных фoшыcтoв!!!1
Only countries that have won a world war can post below this line
Only countries who have won a guerilla war can post below this one.
what did he mean by this?
Closer to 50% tbqh.