This is how we deal with g*Rmans and other nazis like hungarians and croats in RUSSIA

this is how we deal with g*Rmans and other nazis like hungarians and croats in RUSSIA
your thoughts?

Attached: nazi graves btfo.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

Christians desecrating Christian graves. Good stuff.


based on the film quality I would assume that's a soldier from socialist Russia, I don't know if you know this but they didn't necessarily get along with religion or religious people.


thou shalt not kill

what rifle is that

it's literally impossible to follow all the rules dictated by christianity.
Nazis were christians.

well i feel bad for christians then

This soviet soldier is probably jewish and he destroys these christian crosses out of nationalistic reasons xD

>Nazis were christians

Nope, they werent. Two strategic goals of Hitlers internal policy was : 1) destruction of Wehrmacht and replacing it with SS, 2) destruction of catholic church. Nazis were socialists and satanists beliving in occultism, they were very similar in ideological way to soviets: what they had in common with an absolute disrespect for human life and property.

what they had in common was*

They also considered poles to be subhumans

And it ended up with Polish soldiers in Berlin. I think it's kinda funny

I mean both of you (nazis and soviets)

Based. All my great grandparets contributed to the Nazi killing cause too.

Attached: ba6830527ec539a74aaa83a4be048741.jpg (801x669, 55K)

cringe and redarmypilled

No u

Soviets were genocidal towards Poland mainly because of butthurt because we defeated their red march on Europe in 1920. They never forgiven this. Thats why they did Katyn in 1940, they also killed 110.000 of people of Polish nationality in 1938 (during the Purge) only because they were Polish (so called Polish operation of the NKVD) and oppressed Poles in period 1939-1941 with using massive displacements of locals to Siberia and Gulag. Meanwhile nazis were butthurt at us because they spent 5 years to persuade us to be their ally but we eventually refused anyway. Moreover in case of nazis also racial criteria was important. We were fucked twice according to their racial theories because they believed that we are not only slavic, but also that we are polish-jewish mutts

>Polish operation of the NKVD

Organized by ethnic pole, Dzerzhinsky lmao

He is more severe than the Nazis.

Dzerzhinsky was dead when it happened. It was made by Stalins order

Attached: 1538916481133.jpg (2988x5312, 1.26M)

soviets were anti-religious you dumbass

Disgusting commie. You will pay for this.

Are you brown?

1920 battle was always considered to be the clash of size as some local fight in the civil war desu, you really overestimate its perception in the Soviet union

they have nothing else to be proud of. give them a change.

ate poles
ate nazis
luv me Allies
simple as

The average red army peasant was orthodox

You underestimate how soviets effectively dealt with orthodox faith. They were genuinely atheist.

does the average russian miss the ussr?

only old turds
yong people don't care


What do young people care about?

Lies. More and more commies appear every year among the youth

the same things young people care around the world I guess

>go through photo album from grandpa
>see photo of his uncle's war time grave
>he died when he was 26
>tfw I am 26

Lies. They care about spreading the fire of revolution and fighting the bourgeoisie

gender ideology?


Attached: 1546595713.jpg (466x604, 134K)


If a country wants to conquer other country, it will always create some vague and artificial ideological reasons to justify invasion in eyes of its society and international community to some degree. In case of Third Reich it was "defence of German minorities". In case of soviet Russia it was "spreading of communist happiness". In case of the USA, it would be preventing of nuclear proliferation (WMD) or "war on terrorism". Ideology is usually a servant of geopolitics. However, i think that nazis and soviets truly believed in ideologies they created for needs of Germany and Russia. Some of them who were high IQ and belonged to strict elite maybe had cynical attitude towards ideas they were preaching but a lot of them truly believed in it. So ideologically we were fucked in eyes of nazis because we were slavic and jewish, while we were fucked in eyes of soviets because we were catholic and conservative. But geopolitically nazis and soviets shared the same strategic goal : destruction of Poland

Today nothing really changed, Russia and Germany have the same goal because geography is constant and their interests are constant. Only methods could be changed. So it probably wouldnt be brutal military conquest and death camps but economical neocolonisation and political destabilisation used by military force. It is hard for me to imagine what kind of ideological reason Germany and Russia would like to use to destroy Poland. Germans could say that they pacify us because we are nazis who refuse to take refugees, while Russians could say that they attack Poland to protect monuments of Red Army. But these pretexts would be even dumber and more surreal than those used against us in previous century

used by/with using

I've always been of the opinion you shouldn't act to desecrate graves and should just leave the dead to rest.